
dié bào
  • information obtained through espionage;intelligence report;intelligence;report
谍报 [dié bào]
  • (1) [report]∶把刺探到的敌情向上报告

  • 谍报边事

  • (2) [intelligence report]∶刺探到的情报

谍报[dié bào]
  1. 谍报的目的是提供如何打败敌人的信息。

    The purpose of intelligence is to provide information on how the enemy can be beaten

  2. 他们和外国谍报员交换情报已有多年。

    They have maintaining communication with foreign intelligence agents for years .

  3. 促使6.espionagen.谍报活动;间谍行为他们被判有间谍罪。

    They were convicted of espionage .

  4. 今年去世的斯托克曼是在1956年独自一个人到俄罗斯做谍报的驾驶员,他用的是U2飞机。

    It was Stockman who in1956 flew the first solo espionage flight over the Soviet Union * in a U2 plane .

  5. 但Stuxnet的影响可能更多的来自战略层面的谍报活动,而不是技术层面的破坏。

    But its impact is likely to come more from strategic espionage than from technical sabotage .

  6. 谍报人员用这种单目镜观察敌军和敌人的设备。

    Secret agents watched enemy troops and equipment with this monocular .

  7. 他那深居简出的性格就是在长期的谍报工作中磨炼出来的。

    His loner instincts are honed sharp by the spying game .

  8. 我也是受人之命执行谍报行动

    I have someone ordering me to spy for them too .

  9. 外国谍报机构竭尽全力获取这些机密。

    Foreign espionage would do its utmost to prize out these secrets .

  10. 他以前做过谍报专家,知道关于敌方密码的信息。

    As a former intelligence expert he had information about enemy ciphers .

  11. 从事谍报工作时,机遇常常起着关键的作用。

    In spying , luck frequently plays an important role .

  12. 我方谍报人员报告部队正在向边境调动。

    Our spies report that troops are being moved to the border .

  13. 而现在我掌握了计算机,语言和谍报技术

    Now I know computers , languages , tradecraft .

  14. 我被踢出了反谍报组

    I have been taken off the counterintel desk .

  15. 这是战争,冷战,拼的是信息和谍报。

    This is war . A Cold War . fought with information and espionage .

  16. 鸦片战争中英军的谍报活动及其影响

    British Army 's Espionage in the Opium War

  17. 你与生俱来的谍报本能是我所见过的最优秀的。

    You had the most natural tradecraft instincts of anyone I 've ever seen .

  18. 谍报人员报告发现有部队集结。

    Spies reported seeing a build-up of soldiers .

  19. 女谍报员未曾公开的故事。

    The Untold Stories of Women in Espionage .

  20. 他把有关本国火箭部队的重,要情报送交外国谍报机构官员。

    He passed important information on the country 's rocket forces to foreign intelligence officers .

  21. 哈尔女士又回到法国开展谍报活动。

    Miss Hall again spied in France .

  22. 那个谍报员刚踏进国门就被受命要去他国。

    No sooner had the spy returned home than he was told to go to another country .

  23. 这是一本智慧的书——表面看似是关于谍报活动的,其实它是讲作者和小说的魔力。

    It is a clever book - ostensibly about spying , yet really about writers and the alchemy of fiction .

  24. 图片中含有加密的秘密信息,这是冷战中的另一种谍报技术:“隐写术”。

    The image has a secret message for Hammertoss encoded within it - another Cold War technique known as steganography .

  25. 第一次世界大战,瑞典是中立国,法、英、德等国在这个国家都有他们的谍报组织。

    Vivien Leigh and Conard Veidt star in this dashing spy thriller set in Sweden during the First World War .

  26. 他全力倾注于对情报理论的研究和实践,从谍报世界的外部跨进到了它的内层。

    Engrossing himself in the Theory and Practice of Intelligence , he crossed from the periphery into the real world of espionage .

  27. 多诺汶相信,在谍报职业这个大游戏中可以使用任何手段。

    Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the " great game " of espionage - spying as a " profession " .

  28. 但如果恁地做了,那就意味着要不然会有人向她提供任何谍报,要不然会有人向她的报社提供任何谍报。

    But to do so , would mean that no source would ever speak to her again , and no source would ever speak to her newspaper again .

  29. 这是战略性的谍报活动,目标是破坏和干扰,但真正的收益在于识别指挥链中的人员与技术联系。

    That is strategic espionage . Targeted acts of sabotage disrupt , but the real pay-off comes from identifying the human and technical links in the chain of command .

  30. 当然这种公开渠道的谍报活动也有其风险,因为很难区分信息的真伪,而这正是斯特福德公司谋生之所在。

    Open source spying does have its risks , of course , since it can be difficult to tell good information from bad . That 's where Straitford earns its keep .