
  • 网络block cipher;des;Rijndael
  1. 与传统的分组密码不同,该算法具有可变的S盒和变化的循环加密结构,从而大大提高了抗差分攻击和线性攻击的能力。

    Different from that of classic block cipher algorithms , the algorithm pro-posed by this paper has a changeable S-box and different cycle encryption structure . As the result of that , this algorithm im-proves its anti-differential and anti-linear attack ability .

  2. 用分组密码IDEA构造的哈希函数

    The Hash Function Based on the Block Cipher - IDEA Cryptosystem

  3. 而且,我们解释了攻击C是不适用于一般的分组密码算法。

    Furthermore , we explain why Attack C cannot work for commonly used block ciphers .

  4. 一种适用于分组密码算法芯片的IP核设计研究

    Study on a IP core for Block Cipher Algorithm Chip

  5. 分析了基于分组密码算法IDEA设计的端-端加密系统。

    IDEA is a symmetrical block cipher . End-to-end encryption based on IDEA is presented and analyzed .

  6. P置换作为分组密码的另一重要组件,其设计同样是分组密码研究的热点。

    As another important part , P permutation is also the hotspot in the design of block ciphers .

  7. 分组密码在嵌入式微处理器ARM上的实现

    Implementation of Block Cipher on Embedded Microprocessor ARM

  8. AC分组密码的差分和线性密码分析

    Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis of AC Block Cipher

  9. 提出了对迭代分组密码IDEA的轮函数的两种强化方法&随机群和随机置换。

    Two strenthening methods are presented for the round function of the iterated block ciphers , named random group and random permutation .

  10. PEAK分组密码

    The PEAK Block Cipher

  11. 分组密码的FPGA实现研究

    Research on FPGA Implementation of Block Ciphers

  12. 基于Logistic映射的分组密码算法研究及其应用

    Logistic-map based block encryption ciphers and its applications

  13. RID分组密码算法的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of the RID Block Cipher Scheme

  14. 分组密码计数模式在ipsec中的应用及性能分析

    Block Cipher Counter Mode 's usage in Ipsec and Performance Analysis

  15. 论文首先对分组密码算法标准的发展过程与AES标准的评选过程作了概括性的介绍。

    This paper introduces the Advanced Encryption Standard briefly in the first .

  16. 布尔函数作为序列密码、分组密码和Hash函数中的重要组件,其密码学性质的好坏直接关系到密码算法的安全性。

    Boolean functions are important components of stream ciphers , block ciphers and Hash functions .

  17. AES是一个对称分组密码算法,有多个操作模式可供选择。

    AES algorithm is a symmetrical block cipher algorithm ;

  18. AC分组密码的设计结合了宽轨迹策略和比特块技术,以确保算法对差分密码分析和线性密码分析的安全性。

    The cipher design combines the wide trail strategy and bit-slice technology that ensure the resistance AC against differential and linear cryptanalysis .

  19. 本方案设计动态分组密码算法(基于动态S盒编制的动态DES)实现身份验证部分。

    It designs a practical scheme for ID certificate based on dynamic S list .

  20. MISTY系列分组密码及其在3G移动通信安全中的应用

    The MISTY Series Block Cipher and Its Application in the 3G Mobile Communication Security

  21. 用多层Hopfield神经网络构造分组密码

    Block-cipher Construction by Using Multi-layer Hopfield Neural Network

  22. 分组密码SAFER的改进

    Revision of Block Cipher SAFER

  23. 两个SAFER类分组密码

    Two SAFER Like Block Ciphers

  24. 文章对一种适用于分组密码算法的循环移位器IP核的设计进行了研究,该IP核的可重构设计使其具有可复用性。

    A sort of reconfiguration cycling shifter for Block Cipher Algorithm , which was designed as IP core for reusing , was studied in this paper .

  25. SPS模型是使用最广泛的分组密码整体结构之一。

    SPS structure is one of the most commonly used structures in block cipher .

  26. 分组密码被广泛应用于如SSL,IPsec等各种安全协议和安全类应用程序。

    It is widely applied in security protocols such as SSL , IPSec etc. and security applications .

  27. P置换的设计是分组密码设计中的一个重要课题。一直以来,利用编码理论中的MDS码可以设计出许多性质优良的P置换。

    The MDS codes in the coding theory have lots of cryptographic usage , they have been used to design the P-permutation in many block ciphers .

  28. 分组密码广泛应用于各类密码算法,如加密算法和消息认证码(MAC)。

    Block ciphers can be used in many cryptographic primitives , such as encryption and message authentication code ( MAC ) .

  29. 对分组密码算法PRESENT进行二阶差分功耗攻击,对其进行仿真,并对其二阶差分功耗攻击的防护做一些了解,为今后PRESENT密码算法的实现提供参考。

    It studied and simulated Second-order differential power attacks against block cipher algorithm PRESENT , and did some understanding of the second-order differential protection power attack to provide the reference for the implementation of the PRESENT algorithm .

  30. 布尔函数在序列密码、分组密码和Hash函数设计与分析中具有广泛应用。

    Boolean functions play very important roles in the design and analysis of block ciphers , stream ciphers and Hash functions .