
chàng dǎo
  • initiate;propose;advocate;pioneer
倡导 [chàng dǎo]
  • [initiate;advocate] 率先提议;首倡

  • 倡导和平共处五项原则

倡导[chàng dǎo]
  1. 倡导健康的医院文化促进医德医风建设

    To initiate healthy hospital culture and promote medical ethics and style

  2. 大力倡导独立思考的科学精神

    Devote Major Efforts to Initiate the Scientific Spirit of Independent Thinking

  3. 林木委员会倡导植树造林。

    The Tree Council promotes tree planting .

  4. 他也是自由贸易杰出的倡导宣传者。

    He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade .

  5. 主流女权主义思想倡导女性天生的自然美。

    Mainline feminism was arguing for the inherent beauty of the natural woman .

  6. 这与皮尔倡导另类音乐的做法一致。

    This coheres with Peel 's championing of alternative music

  7. 这些运动是几所新建大学倡导的美式创新的一部分。

    The campaigns are part of American-style innovations being pioneered by the new universities .

  8. 在担任教皇期间,约翰·保罗倡导欧洲进行第二次基督教化。

    Throughout his papacy , John Paul has called for a second evangelization of Europe .

  9. 我认为自己是个自由主义的民主党人,或者更准确地说,是倡导民主的自由主义者。

    I consider myself to be a liberal democrat , or to be more exact , a democratic liberal .

  10. 她倡导了妇女的短发型。

    She pioneered the short haircut for women .

  11. 他倡导了几种激进的改革措施。

    He introduced some radical reforms .

  12. 1863年,在倡导了17年以后,期间她曾给五位总统写信,赫尔终于得偿所愿。

    In 1863 , after 17 years of advocacy including letters to five presidents , Hale got it .

  13. 半个多世纪前,美国率先倡导联合国1948年通过的《世界人权宣言》。

    More than a half-century ago , America led the way in advocating for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , adopted by the United Nations in 1948 .

  14. “我们大力地倡导身体自主,不强迫他拥抱或亲吻别人,除非他想要这么做,但我从来没有想到我在网上发布他的照片前应该先征得他的允许,”马萨诸塞州威克菲尔德一位两个孩子的母亲伯比奇说。

    " We 're big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to , but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online , " says Burbidge , a mom of two in Wakefield , Massachusetts .

  15. 乔布斯先生通过对创新的呼吁结束了典礼致辞,倡导大家在择业和生活上都要创新。

    Mr. Jobs ended his commencement talk with a call to innovation , both in one 's choice of work and in one 's life .

  16. 在随后的会上,他强烈要求家长跟他一起倡导一种“完整孩子”的教育方法,尊重“社会情感的发展”和“深刻且有意义的学习”,摒弃只局限于学术的教育。

    At follow-up meetings , he urged parents to join him in advocating a " whole child " approach to schooling that respects " social-emotional development " and " deep and meaningful learning " over academics alone .

  17. Urbanization|城镇化中国倡导在APEC开展城镇化领域的合作。

    China advocates cooperation of urbanization at APEC .

  18. 道教历来倡导节俭、朴素的生活。

    Taoism has always advocated thriftiness and plain life .

  19. 他们继续倡导自立的信条。

    They continue to preach their gospel of self-reliance .

  20. 他的倡导遭到了激烈的反对。

    His proposal met with vehement opposition .

  21. 倡导创新文化,强化知识产权创造、保护、运用。

    We will foster a culture of innovation , and strengthen the creation , protection , and application of intellectual property .

  22. 国家互联网信息办公室27日发布了网络空间安全战略,倡导和平、安全、开放、合作、有序的发展目标。

    China 's top Internet regulator released a cyberspace security strategy on Tuesday , advocating peace , security , openness , cooperation and order .

  23. 坚持预防为主,深入开展爱国卫生运动,倡导健康文明生活方式,预防控制重大疾病。

    We will , with emphasis on prevention , carry out extensive patriotic health campaigns , promote healthy and positive lifestyles , and prevent and control major diseases .

  24. 要倡导环保意识、生态意识,构建全社会共同参与的环境治理体系,让生态环保思想成为社会生活中的主流文化。

    We need to raise people 's awareness , develop a conservation system in which everyone plays a part , and mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life .

  25. 要倡导尊重自然、爱护自然的绿色价值观念,让天蓝地绿水清深入人心,形成深刻的人文情怀。

    We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies , green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all .

  26. 中国将加强生态文明建设,加快调整优化产业结构、能源结构,倡导绿色低碳的生产生活方式。

    It will do more on the ecological front , by transforming and improving its industrial structure and energy mix at a faster pace and promoting a green , low-carbon way of life and production .

  27. 中国官员表示,中国倡导“蓝色经济”发展,在推动可持续发展的同时,优化传统海洋产业,壮大新兴海洋产业。

    China calls for the development of a " blue economy " to optimize1 the traditional marine2 sector3 and speed up the development of emerging marine industries while promoting sustainability , a Chinese official said .

  28. 国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新表示,倡导大家在工作地过年,出门旅游要严格遵守景区疫情防控规定。

    People have been urged to stay in the cities where they work for the Spring Festival holiday and abide spots when traveling , according to Zeng Yixin , deputy head of the National Health Commission .

  29. EVA倡导企业重视资本成本,认为企业只有创造了超过全部资本成本的收益时,才真正增加了股东的财富,为股东创造了价值。

    Only when the enterprise creates more gains than the cost of capital , shareholders ' wealth will increase .

  30. FCC收到了400万份意见,大约有四分之一来自一个运动,运动是由争取未来(FightfortheFuture)等倡导性非盈利团体组织的。

    The F.C.C. received four million comments , about a quarter of them generated through a campaign organized by groups including Fight for the Future , an advocacy nonprofit .