
  • 网络Tumed Left Banner;Tumod Zuoqi;Tumd Zuoqi
  1. 土默特左旗蒙语授课教学的历史与现状研究

    The Study on the History and Current Situation of Mongolian Teaching in Tu Mo Te Zuo Banner

  2. 随着社会经济的发展,土默特左旗农业用水资源的供需矛盾日益突出,水已经成为制约该区农业发展的主要因素之一。

    With the growth of socio economy , contradiction between water supply and demand in agriculture is becoming increasingly acute and water has become an important restraint to agricultural development .

  3. 本文对土默特左旗蒙古语授课教学成功经验做了简要的回顾,通过回顾蒙语授课教学短短十几年的历程,总结经验教训,以便对土默特左旗现行的民族教育提供一些指导性的建议。

    This paper briefly reviews the Mongolian teaching and successful experience in Tu Mo Te Banner . Through reviewing the course of Mongolian teaching for the past years and summing up the experience , it provides some instructional suggestions for present education of ethnic minority in Tu Mo Te Banner .