
  • 网络soil bulk density;bulk density of soil
  1. 其他各土层的土壤容重和含水率在不同放牧方式下差异不显著(p0.05)。

    The soil bulk density and soil moisture content of other soil layers under different grazing ways were not significant ( p0.05 ) .

  2. 试验后3~9年,不同层次土壤容重、全P和全K与试验前相比没有显著改变,但容重受取样时的含水量影响较大。

    Three to 9 years after treatments , soil bulk density , total P and total K did not change greatly , but soil bulk density was greatly affected by soil moisture at sampling time .

  3. 同一土层,随土壤容重增大而减小,且根际微生物数量、土壤酶活性和微生物C、N之间密切相关。

    The results also indicated that close correlation was observed among soil microbial biomass , number of soil microbe and soil enzyme activities .

  4. 生草可以降低表层土壤容重,增加表层土壤有机质含量,提高土壤PH值。

    Grass cover decreased bulk density of surface soil ; it also increased organic mater content and PH of surface soil .

  5. 土壤容重与有机碳、土壤全氮和微生物生物量C、N之间呈现极显著的指数负相关关系(p<0.01);

    There was significant negative index correlation between organic carbon , nitrogen & soil microbial biomass C , N and bulk density ( p < 0.01 ) .

  6. 游憩活动导致土壤容重增加,土壤孔隙度、水分含量、有机质含量和PH值降低。

    Because of the outdoor recreation , the bulk density of soil increases . And the soil moisture , soil porosity , the percentage of soil organic material , the pH-value descend .

  7. 5~15cm土层土壤容重变化不大,非毛管孔隙度增加了1.1%,说明免耕养鸭有利于改善土壤的物理性状。

    It showed no-tillage duck-raising was beneficial to improving soil physical characteristics ;

  8. 结果表明:(1)由于样品的采集都在同一区域进行,所以不同土地利用模式的土壤容重、土壤孔隙度、土壤pH值的差别不是很大。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) Because of Samples collected at the same region , in the different land use patterns so the soil bulk density , soil porosity , soil pH of the difference is not great .

  9. 0~20cm土层中土壤容重平均下降1269%,孔隙度平均增加1302%。

    The average reduction of unit density in 0 ~ 20 cm soil was 12.69 % , and porosity increased 13.02 % averagely .

  10. 结果表明,施入8%泥炭明显有利于改良风沙土理化性质,表现为土壤容重、总孔隙度、pH值、全N、碱解N、速效P、速效K明显改善;

    8 % peat treatments greatly improved the aeolian sandy soil physical and chemical characteristics . Soil bulk density , total porosity degree , total N , alkali N , available P and K increased , and soil pH value decreased to be little acid or neutralized .

  11. 利用珍珠岩、腐殖质土培育油松苗,效果最好,最佳配方为珍珠岩、腐殖质土比例为3:2时,其容重0.34g/cm3,仅为土壤容重的30%,PH值为5.98。

    The best culture results could be achieved with the direction of perlite and humus soil with a ratio of 3:2 . Its ' bulk specific gravity of the substrate is 0.34 g / cm3 , accounts for only 30 % of soil , and pH-value 5.98 .

  12. 免耕土壤容重和硬度增大,总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和有效P、K降低,放线菌和真菌数量减少,而土壤细菌数量增加,酶活性增强。

    Soil analysis showed that in no-tillage fields , soil bulk density and hardness were increased , soil porosity and available P and K were decreased , the amount of actinomyces and fungi was reduced , while that of soil bacteria was increased , and the enzyme activity was promoted .

  13. 施用PAM后对土壤容重及土壤总孔隙度具有调节作用,土壤饱和含水量和田间持水量均有所增大,并显示出较强的抗蒸保墒效果。

    When using PAM , the soil saturation content and soil field water-content can increase and the treatment can prevent the evaporation of soil water , so the water content of the treatment is higher than control .

  14. 基于数字地形分析技术,提取相关地形指数,与土壤容重和水分进行相关分析并进行多元回归分析,结果表明:土壤容重与复合地形指数CTI正相关;

    Correlation analyses were carried out between bulk density , soil water and terrain indices . It was found that there is positive correlation between bulk density and compound topographic index ( CTI );

  15. 通过野外调查与室内分析,得到以下研究结论:1.超载过牧造成草地退化,致使土壤容重增大,总盐含量、pH值显著升高(p0.05),有机质含量升高。

    Through sample analysis , data processing , main results were as follows : 1 . Increase in soil bulk density and organic matter content was result of the grassland degradation caused by overgrazing . The total salt content and pH were increased significantly ( p0.05 ) .

  16. 而在40~100cm深度,两者的土壤容重则基本等值(162g/cm3)。

    But the soil volume weight ( 40 ~ 100 cm ) were basic eguate ( 1 62 g / cm 3 ) of the two .

  17. 长期持续耕作提高了耕层土壤容重,显著降低了水稳定性大团聚体(2mm和2-0.25mm)的比例,从而降低了土壤团聚体的稳定性和土壤的抗侵蚀能力。

    Long-term crop cultivation increased topsoil bulk density , and significantly reduced the proportion of soil water stability aggregates ( 2 mm and 2 ~ 0.25 mm ), which may reduce soil aggregate stability and soil resistance to erosion .

  18. NTS处理在初始阶段可以导致表层土壤容重增大,但随着时间的推移,连续免耕2~3年以后,土壤容重开始维持稳定不再持续上升,这说明土壤有自调作用。

    Both in two rotation sequence , soil bulk density of surface soil can be increased at beginning stage in no-till treatment . But maintained at special level after 2-3 years , which showed that there is modify ability in soil by itself .

  19. 连续4年结果表明,土壤容重1.2g/cm3和1.3g/cm3处理经济产量和生物学产量均极显著高于其它处理;

    The 4 year results showed that both biological and economic yield in 1.2 g / cm 3 and 1.2 g / cm 3 bulk density treatments were significantly higher than that in any other treatments .

  20. 秸秆覆盖降低了0~60cm土层土壤容重,同一覆盖量,全程覆盖方式下土壤容重和生育期覆盖方式下相差不大。

    Straw mulching reduced soil bulk density of 0 ~ 60cm soil layer , in the same amount of coverage , the soil bulk density was less different between the full coverage and Wheat growth stages coverage mode .

  21. 土壤容重降低0.1~0.14g/cm3,水分生产效率提高41.2%~52.9%,节水56%,皮棉增产2.3%。

    Soil volume weight reduced by 0 . 1 ~ 0 . 14g / cm3 , WUE increased by 41 . 2 % ~ 52.9 % , water saved 56 % , lint yield increased by 2 . 3 % compared with the flooding irrigation .

  22. 土壤容重降低0.3445g/cm3和0.2050g/cm3,土壤变得更为疏松;毛管持水量增加12.59%和12.02%,土壤保水蓄水能力增强。

    The soil has become more porous and the soil unit weight has had a drop of 0.3445g/cm3 and 0.2050g/cm3 and its capillary water capacity has increased by 12.59 % and 12.02 % , the water preservation and storage capacity of the soil has been considerably strengthened .

  23. 随着结皮厚度的增加土壤容重有降低的趋势;与无结皮土壤相比,最大减小值为0.09g/cm3。

    The soil bulk density decreased with the increase of algae crust thickness . The largest value of soil bulk density decrease was 0.09g/cm3 compared to soil without crust .

  24. 不同容重条件下,同一土层深处含水率随土壤容重的增大而增大,但是湿润锋附近区域(70cm以下)则是土壤容重越大土壤含水率越小。

    Under the condition of different density , in the same deep , Moisture increases with the increase of soil bulk density , but wet area near the front ( 70cm below ) is reduce with the greater of the soil bulk density .

  25. 铲运机复垦重构土壤容重值的时空变异特性

    Time-Space Variation of Bulk Density of Reconstructing Soil Reclaimed by Scraper

  26. 下层土壤容重对玉米的生态生理效应研究

    Studies on the Effect of Subsoil Bulk Density on Maize Ecophysiology

  27. 土壤容重对玉米苗期生长的影响

    Influence of Volume Weight of Soil on Maize Seedlings Growth

  28. 土壤容重和施肥条件对玉米根系生长的影响

    Effect of Bulk Density and Fertilizer on the Corn Growth

  29. 地块的土壤容重减少,提高土壤膨松度,增强土壤透气性。

    The soil bulk reduced , the soil porosity and permeability improved .

  30. 土壤容重对土壤物理性状和小麦生长的影响

    Effects of soil bulk density on soil physical properties and wheat growth