
  1. 小Higgs理论是重要的新物理可能候选者,最小Higgs(LH)模型简单的实现了小Higgs思想。

    Little Higgs theory is one of the important promising candidates of new physics .

  2. 她着手从150名提出申请的可能候选者中进行大幅删减,列成足够短的名单已备相亲&排除了那些向她保证自己不全是假牙的人。

    She set about whittling down the likely candidates from the 150 who applied to a list short enough to interview personally - eliminating the ones who reassured her that they still had their own teeth .

  3. 因此,索引扫描返回所有具有相同hash码的已索引的字符串,作为可能的候选者。

    Thus , all indexed strings with the same hash code are returned from the index scan as possible candidates .

  4. 在这个网站,你得贴上你的详细资料,并请一位朋友写一点关于你的情况,给可能的候选者看。

    For this site , you post your details and ask a friend to write something about you for prospective candidates to read .

  5. 在进行映射时,我考虑用nc:ItemCategoryText作为可能的映射候选者,但是觉得它太一般了。

    When doing the mapping , I looked at nc : ItemCategoryText as a possible mapping candidate but decided that it was too general .

  6. 而确定操作符的使用时,操作符的非成员和成员版本可能都是候选者。

    When resolving the use of an operator , it is possible for both nonmember and member versions of the operator to be candidates .

  7. 目前存在着数千个可能的行星候选者,科学家希望能从这些候选者中确认,还有几百个运行在其它恒星周围轨道上的行星。

    Several thousand possible planet candidates exist , of which scientists expect to be able to confirm several hundred more planets in orbit around other stars .