
  • 网络Li Kang;Cung Le
  1. 这是李康先生,我们公司的营销经理。

    Mr. Kang Li , the marketing manager of our company .

  2. 噢,这是我的上司李康先生。

    Oh , this is my boss Mr.

  3. 李康每天都打篮球。

    Li Kang plays basketball every day .

  4. 多伦多大学幼儿研究中心的李康(音)博士观察了从2岁到17岁的孩子。

    Dr Kang Lee , director of the Institute of Child Study at Toronto University , examined children aged two to17 .

  5. 发育神经系统专家李康在此领域钻研了20年,他指出,这种测谎仪能够以一种“安全远程,时而隐秘”的方式发现真相。

    Developmental neuroscientist Kang Lee , who has been researching the field for 20 years , said that the lie detector test will let you find out the truth ' non-invasively , and remotely , and sometimes it can be covertly . "