
  1. 李燕:是的!我非常喜欢它们。

    Li Yan : Yes ! I like them very much .

  2. 你好!我是李燕。你叫什么名字?

    Hello ! I 'm LiYan . What 's your name ?

  3. 李燕有一辆新自行车.并她喜欢它。

    Li Yan has a new bike and she loves it so .

  4. 李燕:是的,我们非常喜欢。

    Li Yan : Yes , we all like it very much .

  5. 李燕:我们经常在这里唱歌、跳舞。

    Li Yan : We often sing and dance here .

  6. 李燕:我也有一些香蕉给你。

    Li yan : I have some bananas for you , too .

  7. 李燕:那边是头母牛吗?

    Li Yan : Is that a cow over there ?

  8. 李燕:噢,多好看的一匹马呀!

    Li Yan : Oh , what a fine horse !

  9. 我可以读它吗?李燕:当然可以!

    Can I read it ? Li Yan : Sure !

  10. 李燕:这是我们的校长,林先生。

    Li Yan : This is our headmaster , Mr Lin.

  11. 李燕:对于女孩子来说有很多比赛吗?

    Li Yan : are there any games for girls ?

  12. 现在由李燕带你们参观我们的学校。

    Now Li Yan will show you around our school .

  13. 李燕:看!那边有一匹小马。

    Li Yan : Look ! There is a baby horse over there .

  14. 进厨房来看看,李燕。

    Come into the kitchen , Li Yan .

  15. 李燕:这是我们的自然科学实验室。

    Li Yan : This is our science lab.

  16. 李燕:你在哪里出生的?

    Li Yan : Where were you born ?

  17. 李燕:哇!我与你同一天出生的。

    Li Yan : Wow ! I was born on the same day as you !

  18. 李燕:看这些新的建筑物它是我们的会议厅。

    Li Yan : Look at this new building ! It 's our meeting hall .

  19. 2008年1月20日,原告夫妇与被告为争夺李燕发生争执。

    On jan.202008 , the plaintiff and her husband disputed with the respondent over seizing Li yanli .

  20. 林先生:您好!现在李燕将会带你们参观我们的学校。

    Mr Lin : How do you do ? Now Li Yan will show you around our school .

  21. 李燕说,青海湖水位近五年来连年上升的主要原因是青海湖流域降水量持续增多,湖面蒸发量减少。

    The latest rise was mainly a result of ample rainfall that swelled the lake and reduced evaporation .

  22. 在这里你们通常有自然科学课吗?李燕:是的,我们有。

    Mr Green : Do you often have science classes here ? Li Yan : Yes , we do .

  23. 你们一个星期有多少节英语课?李燕:我们有三节。

    Mr Green : How many English classes do you have a week ? Li Yan : We have three .

  24. 试论有奖发票制度中三方法律关系的性质&兼与李燕女士商榷

    On the legal Nature of the Tripartite Relations in " Scratch-and-Win Invoice " & Also a Deliberation with Miss Li Yan

  25. “如果这是一栋像样的建筑的话,我的女儿就不会死了,”李燕捧着一把粉碎的瓦片说。

    " If this was a decent building , my daughter wouldn 't have died ," said Li Yan , holding a handful of dusty rubble .