
  • 网络Qiang
  1. 周强对代表团一行的来访表示欢迎。

    Zhou Qiang welcomed the visiting of Vietnamese youth delegation .

  2. 周强:我是一个在中国重庆的外国人,所以我不知道我能怎么帮到你们。

    Zhou Qiang : I am a foreigner here , so I don 't know what I can do to help you .

  3. 周强对代表团来湘参访表示欢迎,对香港中联办长期以来给予湖南的支持表示感谢。

    Secretary Zhou extended welcome to the delegation , and expressed gratitude to LOCPG HK for its long-standing support to Hunan .

  4. 但是,我希望你-周强和所有俱乐部的朋友们知道,我支持你们!

    But , to all my friends at the Chongqing Motorcycle Club , I want you , Zhou Qiang , and everyone else to know I support you .

  5. 在省科技馆施工工地的简陋工棚里,周强与有关建设、施工、监理单位负责人座谈。

    In the temporary shed of the builders of Hunan Science & Technology Museum , Zhou had a talk with relevant chiefs of construction units , construction enterprises and project supervisory units .

  6. 周强希望代表团湖南之行能留下深刻印象和美好回忆,以代表团访湘为契机,进一步加强湖南与越南青年的学习交流。

    Zhou hoped that the delegation would have a good impression of Hunan during their stay and , with this visit to Hunan , further exchange between youth in Hunan and Vietnam can be strengthened .

  7. 当地一名不愿透露姓名的公司股东表示,他怀疑湖南(远大集团总部所在地)省委书记周强是否会批准摩天大楼的建造计划,因为发生事故的风险过高。

    One local investor , speaking on condition of anonymity , said he doubted that Zhou Qiang , Communist Party chief of Hunan Province where broad is based , would sign off on the skyscraper plans because the risks of a disaster were just too great .