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  • 网络Zhou Wei;Chou
  1. 两周前列维求婚,最疯狂的是,萨拉·佩林甚至根本都不知情。

    Levi proposed two weeks ago and the craziest part is that Sarah Palin doesn 't even know .

  2. 结果表明,美登木根的次生结构由周皮和维管组织构成;

    The secondary structure of the root consisted of periderm and vascular cylinders .

  3. 根的次生结构包括周皮和次生维管组织两部分。

    The secondary structure included periderm and secondary vascular tissue .

  4. 结果表明:不同直径大小的横走侧根均由周皮、次生维管组织和四原型的初生木质部构成。

    The results showed that all the cross branch roots of different sizes consisted of periderm , secondary vascular tissue and tetrarch primary xylem .