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  • 网络wang z g
  1. 王志刚补充说,应该优先组建世界级的创新团队。

    Wang Zhigang adds that the construction of a world class innovative team should also be prioritized .

  2. 王志刚表示,中国在建设创新型国家方面取得了重大进展。

    Wang Zhigang says China has made remarkable achievements in the drive to build an innovation-driven country .

  3. 展望未来,王志刚表示科技与数据经济的融合作为创新的核心会在未来得到进一步加强。

    Looking into the future , Wang Zhigang says the integration of technology and the digital economy , as the core of innovation , should be further strengthened .

  4. 中国科技部部长王志刚表示,中国的目标是在2020年进入创新型国家行列,2019年是关键之年。

    Chinese Science and Technology Minister Wang Zhigang says 2019 is a critical year if China is to meet its set target of becoming a country of innovation by 2020 .

  5. 中国科技部副部长王志刚表示,建设创新型国家是中国的一个重要战略步骤。

    Wang Zhigang , vice Minister of Science and Technology , says building an innovative country is a crucial strategic measure for China . S the construction of an innovative country is significant to China 's aim to move into a modernized power .