
  1. 化工行业老板办公室的布置采访北京周易研究会秘书长徐坤

    Layout of Boss ' Office in Chemical Industry

  2. 闻一多的《周易》研究构成了中国古代社会史史料学基本体系和内容。

    His studies of Zhouyi constitute a basic structure and content of the bibliography of ancient china 's social history .

  3. 然而对于《周易》的研究,王申子达到了很高的境界。

    But as a researcher of Zhouyi , he touched a very high spot .

  4. 理雅各、贝恩斯英译《周易》比较研究

    Comparative Studies on James Legge 's and Cary E.Baynes ' Translations of Book of Changes

  5. 所以,对于《周易》的生态学研究也是基于感性的理解,从宏观上把握其内容的思想内涵。《周易》认为太极是世界的本源,世间万物皆生于此。

    Therefore , the ecology research of " book of changes " is based on the emotional understanding . " Book of changes " Points out that Tai Chi is the origin of the world , all things are born in it .