
  • 网络Weekly Plan;Weekly Schedule;week plan
  1. 把你日历中每个月重要的事情也记录在你的周计划中。

    Transfer important events from your monthly calendar to your weekly plan .

  2. 每日根据飞机日报表,合理调整周计划;

    Scientifically adjust weekly plan according to daily report form every day ;

  3. 周计划训练对提高学生自主学习能力的分析

    Making Week-plan Training and Promoting the Students ' Ability of Self-access Learning

  4. 课程按周计划安排在上午或下午。

    Classes are scheduled weekly in either morning or afternoon .

  5. 一旦你有了周计划,你就可以开始计划你的每一天了。

    Once you have planned your weeks you can start organizing each day .

  6. 协调和推动生产周计划和人员计划。

    Coordinate and drive weekly planning and manning level .

  7. 美国国际教育周计划述评

    A Review on American International Education Week

  8. 日计划或周计划都集中在与他们的宠物在一起的事情上。

    Plans for the day or even the week centre on rituals with their pets .

  9. 做一个明确的本周计划

    Create a Clear Plan for the Week

  10. 杰克正在做一个周计划表

    Jack 's Making a Weekly Schedule

  11. 按总承包周计划要求检查专业施工队每周工作完成情况及布置下周施工生产任务。

    Check the work completion of the specialized construction team in each week according to the weekly plan of the general contractor .

  12. 据官方人员周一透露,以色列本周计划建造一新核反应堆,该计划旨在使本国能源产业多元化。

    Israel will announce plans this week to build a new nuclear reactor to diversify its energy sector , officials said Monday .

  13. 男:我知道有一个针对年轻人的8周计划,也有针对成年人的8周演讲技巧课程。

    M : I know that there is an 8-week program for young people and also an 8-week speech craft course offered for adults .

  14. 在此模型中,制造资源计划定位在厂级或企业级,负责主生产计划、物料需求计划及各车间零部件的月、周计划;

    With this model , MRP ⅱ was oriented to enterprise level taking charge of Master Production Schedule ( MPS ), Material Requirement Planning ( MRP ), and monthly / weekly component parts planning on various workshops .

  15. 你若有本周计划,周五下班时候你完成了本周计划的工作重点,想想那种美好的感觉。(提示:这会让你兴奋起来,开动起来迎来未来超级高效的一周!)

    Once you have your plan for the week , think about how youll feel when you leave work on Friday with these key priorities completed . ( Hint : It should get you excited to get going on the uber-productive week youre about to have !)

  16. 德·容格告诉荷兰电视台RTVOost,尽管两次与死神擦肩而过,他本周还是计划搭乘另一班马航飞机,而且对自己的安全问题没有顾虑。

    De Jonge told the Netherlands station RTV Oost that despite his second brush with death , he plans to take another Malaysia Airlines plane this week and has no concerns for his safety .

  17. 设计适当的工作包结构以及合同、工程、资源和设计等四种约束的分析控制周工作计划,并通过计划任务完成率(PPC)来测量和改善计划系统的可靠性。

    Proper work structuring is designed , and it is utilized to control weekly work plan together with four kinds of constraints , which are contract , engineering , resource and design . The reliability of schedule system is measured and improved by percent plan complete ( PPC ) .

  18. 你接下来几周的计划是什么?

    What are your plans for the next few weeks ?

  19. 美国太空总署表示,本周将计划三次舱外活动,安装新设备。

    Three spacewalks were planned for this week to install new equipment .

  20. 为你的下一周做计划,把大石头放前面。

    Plan your week ahead of time , placing your Big Rocks first .

  21. 我本周的计划排得很满。

    I have a very full program this week .

  22. 取消我的这周的计划。

    Just cancei my appointments for the week .

  23. 导游向游客们简述了一周所计划的活动。

    The guide sketched out for the touristswhat activities were planned for the week .

  24. 在周日晚上为下一周定好计划。

    Use Sunday evening for planning the week .

  25. 所以你想把这周的计划取消了?

    So you want to cancel this weekend ?

  26. 他们起初考虑不周,计划早晨出发,晚上回来。

    The first heedless scheme had been to go in the morning and return at night ;

  27. 这个笔记本的主要用途是帮你准备一周学习计划。

    The main purpose of the notebook is to help you prepare a weekly study schedule .

  28. 他们增添一间办公用房的申请将在下一周提交计划委员会审批。

    Their application to add a room to their office goes before the planning committee next week .

  29. 但是,本周该计划却使美国证券市场以及国际证券市场的价格上扬。

    However this week , news of the plan sent prices higher on the American and international stock markets .

  30. 据说为了改此习惯,玛丽为他制定了一周着装计划。

    It has been said that in order to counteract this . Mary drew up weekly clothing plans for him .