
  • 网络Li Z H
  1. 最近,有六名学生被送到这里,且都来自于同一场散伙饭。李振华说道。

    Recently , six students were brought here , all from the same farewell party , Li says .

  2. 校长助理李振华说,这种“封闭式管理”能起到效果。

    This " closed management practice , " as an assistant principal , Li Zhenhua , has termed it , gets results .

  3. 对于西安某医院的急诊室医生李振华(音译)来说,每年的这个时候是收治酒精中毒病例的高峰期。

    For Li Zhenhua , an emergency room doctor at a hospital in Xi ' an , this time of year is the peak season for alcohol poisoning .

  4. 李振华老师治学经历“五字诀”为后学指明路径,力求作到勤、恒、精、博、悟,尤其要在“悟”字上下功夫;

    Li Zhenghua has paved the way for later learners through his " formula of five words ", that is diligence , perseverance , delicacy , broadness and awakening , particularly " awakening " . Mr.