
  • 网络command system
  1. 一体化装备保障指挥体系的内涵及结构模型

    Connotation and Structure Model of Integrated Equipment Support and Command System

  2. 试论一体化联合作战装备指挥体系

    Discussion on the Equipment Command System of Integrated Joint Operation

  3. 适应扁平式指挥体系的电子军务UML建模研究

    Study on Modeling with UML in Electronic Military Business Adapted to Flat-even-type Command Architecture

  4. 但也存在风险:“一些关键问题是,岗位描述与实际上让你做的事情不一样,此外,还有一些非正式的指挥体系,你可能会被绕开,”zheng表示。

    But there are risks : " some of the key problems are that the job description is different from what you are asked to do in practice , and that there are informal chains of command so you may be bypassed , " says Mr Zheng .

  5. 战区后勤保障指挥体系有序性判别模型

    Model of the Theater Logistical Support Command System in Order

  6. 信息化条件下地空导弹装备保障指挥体系

    Command System of Equipment Support Based on Ground-Air Missile Under Information Conditions

  7. 非常规突发事件中军民一体的指挥体系研究

    A Research on the Integrated Military-Civil Command System in Emergency

  8. 建立健全山洪灾害防御指挥体系。

    To set up or consummate the chain of command of torrents prevention system .

  9. 二是完成卫勤组织指挥体系。

    Second , an organizing and commanding system for medical service should be set up .

  10. 完善作战指挥体系。

    Improving operational command systems .

  11. 结果预防体系应主要由中枢指挥体系、监测预警体系、应急响应体系组成;

    RESULTS Precaution system is composed of central command system , surveillance alert system and emergency response system .

  12. 通过制订规范预案、健全指挥体系实现灾害医学救助。

    By working out standardized pre-scheme and improving commanding system , medical aid to disaster relief can be realized .

  13. 传统的战场指挥体系中各级情报实体只负责保障本级,是一种烟囱式的情报信息体系结构,难以满足一体化联合作战指挥对信息资源共享的要求。

    The traditional battlefield command system is just a separate system that is not satisfying all sharing requirements in modern war .

  14. 其方法和结论可为特长隧道消防系统的设计、紧急疏散方案和引导指挥体系的建立提供理论依据。

    This offers us a theoretical basis for design of tunnel fire system and establishment of emergency evacuation program and command system .

  15. 这一联合指挥体系直到战争结束的时候,都在承受着不同国家在战争目标和文化上的差异,以及人事关系所带来的冲击。

    This command relationship also endured differences in national war aims and cultures , as well as personalities , until the end of the war .

  16. 结果具有深圳特色的急救医疗网络体系,突出表现在三个方面:高度权威的急救医疗指挥体系;

    Results The emergency network system in Shenzhen is characterized by the following aspects : there is an effective emergency dispatch system with high authorities ;

  17. 通过对城市安全管理机构、人力资源的整合,建立统一、规范、科学、高效的生产事故应急指挥体系;

    The uniform , normative , scientific and efficient emergency command system for city accident should be constructed by configuring the organizations and material-facility resources .

  18. 阐述了构建战区后勤保障指挥体系判别模型的步骤,为战区后勤指挥员提供了一种从信息流的角度分析整体与各部分运行相关性的决策方法。

    On the bases of deep analysis and definition of the interrelated conceptions of integrated equipment support and command system , this paper establishes a structure model the system .

  19. 最后,针对现代空战指挥体系的特点,优化了空战时飞行冲突的探测方法并提出了规避冲突的措施。

    Finally , the flight conflicts detection methods are optimized , and measures for collision elusion are put forward based on the characteristics of the modem air combat command system .

  20. 首先,从法律体系建设、沟通渠道完善、应急指挥体系、综合协调机制以及决策制度等方面论述了政府部门的改进措施。

    First of all , the government should improve the function through the legal system , channels of communication , emergency command system , comprehensive coordination mechanisms and decision-making system .

  21. 该文在现状分析的基础上,从国家、省级和城市政府部门三个层面上分别提出了建立和完善城市供水监管和应急指挥体系的要求,并提出了相关建议。

    The demands of building up and consummating urban water supply supervision and contingency directing system at state , province and city government levels are put forward , and relative suggestions proposed .

  22. 基于以上分析和说明,笔者判断出昆明机场运行指挥体系管理与机场整体战略基本相适应,但也存在着问题和不足,并针对这些问题和不足提出了解决的对策与建议。

    Based on the above analysis and description , the author made a conclusion that the management of the operation command system is basically suitable for the overall strategy of Kunming Airport .

  23. 天津地铁应急预案管理系统是一个实用价值较高的信息系统,通过对应急预案的数字化,并在实际安全工作中的使用,将为实现地铁的数字化应急指挥体系奠定坚实的基础。

    We make the digital emergency preplan , and combine the practical use of the security work to the implementation of the metro system digitalization emergency command , which layed the firm foundations .

  24. 高速铁路的建设和运营需要与之相适应的现代化铁路调度指挥体系,以确保高速铁路及整个铁路网络的运输安全、正常秩序和高效节能。

    High-speed rail construction and operation needs a modern dispatching command system to accommodate its needs so as to ensure the safety , order and efficiency of high-speed rail and the whole network .

  25. 平台上所有作业人员应明确在紧急状态时的职责,并建立一套应急指挥体系,制定一套应急计划,并定期进行应急演习。

    All operators on the platform shall clearly define their responsibility in emergency state , establish a set of emergency command system and a set of emergency plan , and conduct emergency exercise regularly .

  26. 因此对我国海空立体救助指挥体系进行研究,从而在理论上支撑和丰富海空立体救助体系,具有较为重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of great importance to study the Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue commanding system of China and then to guide the Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue practice in theory .

  27. 除了应将海空立体救助指挥体系分成不同功能模块之外,我国还应在全国沿海建立较为密集的指挥技术系统和通讯系统以及功能完善的应急技术系统。

    Besides dividing the Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue commanding system into different function modules , we should also set up comparatively intensive commanding technological system and communication system , and advantageous technological system of emergency .

  28. 部分是因为五角大楼有更清晰的军事指挥体系,部分也是因为有种感觉越来越明显,即中情局应该少做一点杀戮,多做一点传统的情报工作。

    This is partly because it has a clearer military chain of command and partly because there is a growing feeling that the CIA should be doing a bit less killing and a bit more traditional spying .

  29. 分析了多级树型结构指挥体系的需求和传统监控系统软硬件实现方法的优缺点,在此基础上,提出了多级分布式多媒体指挥监控系统的综合解决方案。

    As a comprehensive solution scheme , the design of a multi-tier distributed multimedia monitor system is proposed . It is based on the requirements of hierarchical-structured commanding system and the analysis of disadvantages of traditional monitor system .

  30. 明朝在草创时期,朱元璋根据战事的需要每攻占一地就派兵镇守,并建立了相关的领导指挥体系,军事镇戍制度于此逐步的形成。

    In the Ming dynasty zhu yuanzhang pioneer days , according to the needs of a battle to troops per conquered , and established a central command system and related leaders in the military the defensibly system gradually formed .