- 网络technical links
Assessment of the production function test ( Function Evaluation referred to as FE ), one of the main technical links , is organically related to the design and manufacture and thus plays an active and independent role in ensuring normal production and reducing development costs .
Then in the second chapter , it is introduced the basic principl ' e of OFDM and its key technical links of FFT principle combined with OFDM transmission mode and system parameter designing in DRM .
To realize XML 's potentials , its effective storage is a firstly faced technology .
A rapid and simple DNA extraction is essential in molecular maker aided selection in maize as a large amount of samples needed for analysis .
The PKI technology , as an infrastructure on security , involves many technical fields .
By researching how spotting affect the hybridizing signal after dissolving PCR products with different impregnant , we hope to optimize the technology of microarray .
The dimensional accuracy of the casting die is as a key technical problem for the RT technology .
Conclusion X knife radiosurgery is an important therapeutic method for intracranial lesions . The treatment outcome is satisfied . Dose planning is the core technical procedure .
This paper discusses the standard used for identifying the quality of CT image , and reports the method which can be used to improve the quality of CT image .
Afterwards , we analyze the key technical aspects involved in this method , feature extraction techniques and classification based on SVM method .
The key part of the multi-media telecommunication system is the compression of image .
Objective To explore the key steps and attentions of rubeanic acid copper staining used in pathological diagnosis of Wilson 's disease .
The pacing technology in making the WDM device such as selecting record material , making sure recording geometry and exposure time are analyzed further .
The techniques of establishment DH population include two key processes that are obtaining doubled haploids and identification the chromosome level of them in the shortest time possible .
PC-SUPREM and PC-SEDAN are the core of CAD system of microelectronics , are also the weak link of microelectronic industries in china . Some studies of author are discussed .
DSPS ( digital signal procession solution ) is the essential technology to resolve the OSA ( Open System Architecture ) design of electronic instruments in the digital age .
After the technical phases like the overall program design , design and drawing of schematic diagram and PCB , making into board and Welding , debug , then we accomplished this embedded visible-light Image Acquisition and Processing System .
The geo-knowledge of ( land ) use could aid the intellectualizing analysis of LIS and RS image interpretation . It was an important portion of the project of land information .
It is a key technical link in urban power network to design for 110 kV substation in urban district .
Shape analysis is a key technology in the EMTM production . It plays a very important role in EMTM production .
The PPM ( Pulse Positioning Modulation ) of the BPL signal is the key problem to expanding the BPL channel as a communication channel .
The distributed system structure of Beam Loss Monitoring System for HLS storage ring at NSRL is introduced in this paper . The frontend electronics ( including flexible pulse accumulator ), CAN BUS interconnection , and software are described in detail .
Natural gas storage is a crucial technology in the commercial utilization of natural gas , the form of natural gas utilization in the vehicle mainly contain compressed natural gas ( CNG ) and liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) .
Some Technique Neglected Easily in the Cable Television 's Transfer artery
Probe into difficult points on main technical links in hurdles teaching
Grasping the Technical Key Links , to Improve Program Production Quality
Design of grounding system is an important technical link .
The core of video communication is the image encoding and decoding .
The managing of some of the key techniques is the guarantee .
The Development of Dairy Industry and Related Expertise in Shaanxi