
  • 网络technical links
  1. 试生产功能评估(FunctionEvaluation,简称FE)作为车身研发过程中的主要技术环节,有机地联系着设计和制造,在保证车身装配质量和减少开发成本方面起着不可替代的作用。

    Assessment of the production function test ( Function Evaluation referred to as FE ), one of the main technical links , is organically related to the design and manufacture and thus plays an active and independent role in ensuring normal production and reducing development costs .

  2. 接着在第二章结合DRM中OFDM的传输模式及系统参数设计介绍了OFDM的基本原理及其关键技术环节FFT的原理。

    Then in the second chapter , it is introduced the basic principl ' e of OFDM and its key technical links of FFT principle combined with OFDM transmission mode and system parameter designing in DRM .

  3. 为实现XML的潜能,XML的有效存储是一个必须首先要解决的技术环节。

    To realize XML 's potentials , its effective storage is a firstly faced technology .

  4. 在玉米分子标记辅助育种工作中,需要对大量群体的个体样本进行分子标记分析,其中DNA的高效快速提取是关键的技术环节。

    A rapid and simple DNA extraction is essential in molecular maker aided selection in maize as a large amount of samples needed for analysis .

  5. PKI作为一种基础性安全设施,涉及的技术环节是方方面面的。

    The PKI technology , as an infrastructure on security , involves many technical fields .

  6. 通过研究不同溶剂来溶解PCR产物后,点样对杂交信号的影响,使基因芯片的技术环节得到优化。

    By researching how spotting affect the hybridizing signal after dissolving PCR products with different impregnant , we hope to optimize the technology of microarray .

  7. 保证精密铸造中铸件的几何尺寸精度是RT工艺中十分关键的技术环节。

    The dimensional accuracy of the casting die is as a key technical problem for the RT technology .

  8. 结论X刀放射外科是颅内病变的重要治疗手段,疗效确切,其核心技术环节是剂量规划。

    Conclusion X knife radiosurgery is an important therapeutic method for intracranial lesions . The treatment outcome is satisfied . Dose planning is the core technical procedure .

  9. 本文论述了鉴定CT图像质量的标准,阐述了提高CT图像质量的各技术环节,为CT图像质量控制提出了有效的方法。

    This paper discusses the standard used for identifying the quality of CT image , and reports the method which can be used to improve the quality of CT image .

  10. 接下来,我们分析了实现这一个方法所涉及的关键性的技术环节,特征的提取技术和基于SVM方法的分类技术。

    Afterwards , we analyze the key technical aspects involved in this method , feature extraction techniques and classification based on SVM method .

  11. 监控系统最关键的技术环节是图像的压缩和解压缩。目前ITU已经有不少视频压缩的标准,如H。

    The key part of the multi-media telecommunication system is the compression of image .

  12. 目的探讨红氨酸铜染色法(rubeanicacidcopperstaining)的关键技术环节、注意事宜及在Wilson病肝穿病理诊断中的应用。

    Objective To explore the key steps and attentions of rubeanic acid copper staining used in pathological diagnosis of Wilson 's disease .

  13. 进一步分析该WDM器件制作过程中诸如记录材料选择、写入光路及曝光时序的确定等关键技术环节。

    The pacing technology in making the WDM device such as selecting record material , making sure recording geometry and exposure time are analyzed further .

  14. 烟草DH群体构建包括加倍单倍体的获得和染色体倍性鉴定两个主要技术环节。

    The techniques of establishment DH population include two key processes that are obtaining doubled haploids and identification the chromosome level of them in the shortest time possible .

  15. 微电子集成电路工艺模拟系统SUPREM及半导体器件特性模拟系统SEDAN是微电子CAD系统中的核心内容,也是我国微电子工业技术环节中的一个薄弱环节。

    PC-SUPREM and PC-SEDAN are the core of CAD system of microelectronics , are also the weak link of microelectronic industries in china . Some studies of author are discussed .

  16. 数字信号处理解决方案(DSPS)是数字化时代解决电子仪器开放式体系结构(OSA)设计的必要技术环节;

    DSPS ( digital signal procession solution ) is the essential technology to resolve the OSA ( Open System Architecture ) design of electronic instruments in the digital age .

  17. 经过总体方案设计,原理图以及PCB设计及绘制,制板和焊接,调试等技术环节,最终完成了该可见光图像采集处理系统。

    After the technical phases like the overall program design , design and drawing of schematic diagram and PCB , making into board and Welding , debug , then we accomplished this embedded visible-light Image Acquisition and Processing System .

  18. 土地利用地学知识可应用于LIS智能化分析及辅助遥感影像解译,是国土信息化工程建设中值得深入研究的重要技术环节之一。

    The geo-knowledge of ( land ) use could aid the intellectualizing analysis of LIS and RS image interpretation . It was an important portion of the project of land information .

  19. 110kV市区变电站设计是城网建设中较为关键的技术环节。

    It is a key technical link in urban power network to design for 110 kV substation in urban district .

  20. 人体体型分析作为eMTM生产中的一个关键的技术环节,在eMTM生产中起着非常重要的作用。

    Shape analysis is a key technology in the EMTM production . It plays a very important role in EMTM production .

  21. 实现BPL长波信道通信能力扩展的一个重要技术环节是对组重复间隔(GRI)脉冲的脉位调制。

    The PPM ( Pulse Positioning Modulation ) of the BPL signal is the key problem to expanding the BPL channel as a communication channel .

  22. 介绍了NSRL电子储存环束流损失监测系统的分布式数据采集系统构成,并详细介绍了其中的下位机结构、计数器设计以及CANBus总线等技术环节。

    The distributed system structure of Beam Loss Monitoring System for HLS storage ring at NSRL is introduced in this paper . The frontend electronics ( including flexible pulse accumulator ), CAN BUS interconnection , and software are described in detail .

  23. 在天然气的利用中天然气的储存是较为关键的一个技术环节,目前天然气在汽车上的商业应用主要有压缩天然气(CNG)和液化天然气(LNG)2种形式。

    Natural gas storage is a crucial technology in the commercial utilization of natural gas , the form of natural gas utilization in the vehicle mainly contain compressed natural gas ( CNG ) and liquefied natural gas ( LNG ) .

  24. 传输干线中容易疏忽的技术环节

    Some Technique Neglected Easily in the Cable Television 's Transfer artery

  25. 对跨栏主要技术环节难点教学的探讨

    Probe into difficult points on main technical links in hurdles teaching

  26. 把握关键技术环节提高节目制作质量

    Grasping the Technical Key Links , to Improve Program Production Quality

  27. 接地系统的设计是工程建设中较为关键的技术环节。

    Design of grounding system is an important technical link .

  28. 可视通信中最关键的技术环节是图像的压缩和解压缩。目前最新的视频编码标准是H。

    The core of video communication is the image encoding and decoding .

  29. 对某些关键性技术环节的处理是获得理想免疫金染色切片的保证。

    The managing of some of the key techniques is the guarantee .

  30. 陕西奶业发展与技术环节

    The Development of Dairy Industry and Related Expertise in Shaanxi