
míng wén
  • plaintext;proclaimed in writing;(of laws,regulations,etc.)proclaimed in writing
明文 [míng wén]
  • (1) [plaintext]∶密码文或其单元的明语形式

  • 密码中的PA代表明文中的TH

  • (2) [(of laws,regulations,etc.)proclaimed in writing]∶形成了书面文字的(指法令、规章等)

明文[míng wén]
  1. 农村干部的候选人是不是有明文规定是几个人?

    A few people is the candidate of rural cadre has proclaimed in writing to set ?

  2. 未申请专利的、没有所有权,被他人任意使用的法律上不没有明文保护。

    Not of patent application , without droit , what be used by other random is jural do not protect without proclaimed in writing .

  3. 1987年通过的法令明文禁止体罚。

    Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987 .

  4. 法国司法部门的独立地位是法律明文规定的。

    The independence of the judiciary in France is guaranteed by statute .

  5. 英国海关官员的法定权限在1969年的《关税与消费税管理法》中有明文规定。

    The legal powers of British Customs officers are laid out in the Customs and Excise Management Act of 1969 .

  6. 对抢劫和凶杀的惩罚在刑法中有明文规定。

    The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code .

  7. 那是一项明文条款。

    It is an express provision .

  8. 这是必需的,能够保护真正的DevelopmentandTestCloud密码;无需将其存储在脚本或明文中。

    This is required and protects your real Development and Test Cloud password ; no need to store it in scripts or clear text .

  9. 本协议在一定程度上解决了数据同步和标签ID明文传输的问题。

    The data synchronization and ID tag , to a certain extent , is resolved .

  10. 美国七个州的政府通过了法律允许公司以“b”企业的形式注册,这类企业明文规定以社会公益为重,利润为次。

    Seven American States have passed laws to allow companies to register as " B " corporations which explicitly subordinate profits to social benefits .

  11. 注:这个工具将以明文(cleartext)发送用户标识和密码,因此在公共网络上运行该实用程序是不可取的。

    Note : This tool sends the userid and password as clear text and it is not advisable to run this utility across a public network .

  12. DCT域明文水印及盲水印的研究

    The Study of DCT-based Public and Private Watermarking

  13. 加密的密码如果不使用salt,通过反向检索找到明文密码就相对简单。

    If encrypted passwords do not use a salt it is relatively simple to do a reverse lookup to find the plain text password .

  14. MD5(MessageDigest信息摘要)是密码学中的一种单向散列函数,它以512位的明文文本作为输入,输出恒为128位的散列值。

    MD5 ( Message Digest ) encryption algorithm is a one-way hash function in cryptography .

  15. 为密码字段选择的输入类型为text,这意味着用户键入该字段的任何内容都会以明文形式显示在屏幕上。

    The input type selected for the password field is text , which means that anything the user types into that field appears as plaintext on the screen .

  16. LDAP是以明文的格式通过网络来发送所有信息的,包括密码。

    LDAP sends all information , including passwords , over the network in clear text .

  17. 通常,ftp凭据以明文形式传递,不在传输中加密。

    Typically , FTP credentials are passed as clear text and not encrypted for transmission .

  18. 把明文密码存储在文件中是一个潜在的安全漏洞,DB2管理员应该避免这种做法。

    Storing the password in clear text in a file is a potential security exposure that the DB2 administrator should guard against .

  19. Password可以通过zero目录编码,且可以以更安全的方式处理(与明文不同)。

    Password can be encoded through the zero command and can be handled in a more secure way ( as opposed to the clear text ) .

  20. 远程主机shell访问(取代telnet和rlogin明文,不安全协议)

    Remote host shell access ( supersedes telnet and rlogin clear text , insecure protocols )

  21. 针对电子密码本模式无法隐蔽明文数据模式因而具有很大的安全隐患这一缺点,引入Gray码对明文进行伪装,构造了一个伪装的电子密码本工作模式。

    In order to improve the security of mode of operation , a masked ECB mode of operation was constructed with the Gray code to mask the plaintext .

  22. 为了便于说明,文中以分组密码DES算法为例,详述了选择明文-时间攻击的具体实现。

    For convenience , it details the chosen plaintext-timing attack implementation by way of example of DES block cipher algorithm .

  23. 如果以前没用见过escape()方法,它用于转义不能用明文正确发送的任何字符。

    If you 've never seen the escape () method before , it 's used to escape any characters that can 't be sent as clear text correctly .

  24. 例如,TRIPS并未要求印度对现有药物的成分和结构授予专利,但是新的法案在这一方面却有明文规定。

    For instance , while TRIPS does not require India to grant patents on new formulations or combinations of known drugs , the new bill does .

  25. WebService安全(WS-Security),是建立在消息安全概念基础上的:消息的SOAP封包本身以明文发送,但其资料体是加密的。

    Web Services Security is based on the concept of message based security : the SOAP envelope of the message is sent in clear , but the SOAP body is transmitted in an encrypted form .

  26. 第一个示例是一个简单的UsernameToken,它仅仅包装明文用户名和密码。

    The first is a simple UsernameToken that just wraps a plain-text username and password .

  27. 最佳实践&显然比使用MD5更好,而且比将密码存储为明文要好得多。

    The best practice & certainly better than using MD5 , and drastically better than storing passwords as plain text .

  28. 推出任何一个线索,比如(BL),就会立即反作用于明文和密文中的每一个B或L。

    Any assertion reached , say ( BL ) , would feed back into every B and every L appearing in either plain-text or cipher-text .

  29. 随后我将初始向量(IV)抽取到字节数组,对明文数据进行块加密,并将IV字节置于加密的数据字节之前。

    I then extract the initialization vector ( IV ) into a byte array , block encrypt the clear data , and prefix the IV bytes to the encrypted data bytes .

  30. UsernameToken的最基本形式就是以明文的方式发送用户名和密码。

    The most basic form of UsernameToken sends both the username and password as plain text .