
  • 网络pioneer species
  1. 选择合适的先锋物种进行植被修复是逐步治理土壤侵蚀,改善生态环境的可行途径。

    The feasible countermeasure was put forward : chooses the appropriate pioneer species to carry on the vegetation repair .

  2. 文章论述了沉水植物的生态功能,着重介绍了富营养化水体沉水植被恢复的基础理论、限制因子、先锋物种选择研究的进展。

    The ecological functions of sinking plants , the research on basic theory , and limited factors and pioneer species for the recovery of sinking plants in eutrophicated water body have been reviewed .

  3. 草类作为r型生态对策的先锋物种,在生态恢复和重建中作用显著,干旱瘦薄地种草明显优于种树。

    As the r_bionomic strategies species , the grasses have an importance role in the restoration of degraded ecosystems .

  4. 研究发现这种现象主要存在于某些先锋植物物种和苔原生态系统中,因为那里传粉的昆虫很少。

    It is found particularly in pioneer weed species and in ecosystems such as the tundra , where insect vectors are rare .