
  • 网络first mover advantage;first-mover advantage
  1. 我们认为并不存在显著的先发优势。

    We don 't believe there is a significant first mover advantage .

  2. •“我们有先发优势。”

    • " we have the first mover advantage . "

  3. 但伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)的股票交易拥有一个世纪之久的先发优势,并提供了在很大程度上受到限制的英镑权益融资市场。

    But stock trading in the City of London has a centuries-old first-mover advantage and a largely captive market for sterling equity financing .

  4. 诺基亚的服务战略正遭到越来越严重的质疑,原因是该公司让美国科技公司苹果(apple)获得了巨大的先发优势。

    Nokia is suffering rising scepticism about its services strategy because it has let apple , the US technology company , secure a significant first-mover advantage .

  5. 分析师称,新合资企业可能削弱中国移动在4G服务上的先发优势。

    The new joint venture could undermine China Mobile 's first-mover advantage in 4G services , analysts said .

  6. 不过,我们没有任何理由认为iPad将垄断市场,尽管它拥有先发优势。

    There is no reason , though , to think that the iPad will dominate , in spite of its first-mover advantage .

  7. 在移动行业,苹果拥有明显的先发优势,其appstore提供的应用软件数量是androidmarketplace的4倍。

    In mobile , Apple has taken a strong early lead , with four times as many applications being offered on its app store as in the Android marketplace .

  8. 不过,鉴于其在打造端到端体验方面的优势、以及iphone显著的先发优势,苹果公司仍将在竞争中胜出。

    With its mastery of creating end-to-end experiences , however , as well as the big early lead chalked up by the iPhone , apple is still the company to beat .

  9. 不过,高通(Qualcomm)等ARM处理器【该技术来自安谋科技(ARMHoldings)的授权】厂商目前仍主导着智能手机和平板电脑市场,先发优势极其明显。

    At the same time , companies like Qualcomm ( qcom ) , which licenses competing chip technology from arm holdings , still dominate the smartphone and tablet Market and have had a huge head start .

  10. C2C模式在发展的过程中,问题不断出现,其中的诚信问题成为制约其进一步展的瓶颈,它的先发优势不复存在,现在C2C市场发展较为缓慢。

    In the process of development of C2C mode , there are more and more problems to appear . Credit problems which become a bottleneck restricts its further development . The first-mover advantage of C2C model no longer exists.C2C market is slow to develop .

  11. 穆里根表示,Spotify完全有可能利用先发优势,在5年内获得3500万付费用户,占领超过一半的付费音乐流媒体市场。

    Mr Mulligan says it is entirely possible that Spotify will be able to capitalise on its first-mover advantage and reach 35m subscribers within five years , which would give it more than half the paid-for streaming market .

  12. 但是,在本周德国、法国和意大利决定加入亚投行(AIIB)之后,英国能获得多大先发优势尚未可知。

    But following the decisions this week by Germany , France and Italy to join the bank , it is unclear how much of a first-mover advantage Britain has got .

  13. 家乐福对其在新兴市场的先发优势利用得不好,摊子铺得太大。

    Carrefour fumbled its first-mover advantage in emerging markets by spreading itself too thin .

  14. 安卓系统的大获成功,令苹果的先发优势荡然无存。

    Apple 's early-mover advantage has been eclipsed by the roaring success of Android .

  15. 印度:法律纠纷侵蚀了先发优势

    India : legal dispute eats away early advantage

  16. 农资连锁超市网络已初步建成,先发优势得到确立;

    The network of agricultural materials chain supermarkets was established , displaying its championing advantages .

  17. 它到底只是个噱头,还是先发优势?

    A gimmick or a first-mover advantage ?

  18. 所以肯定具有先发优势,他们能够从中受益。

    So I think there 's certainly a first mover advantage that they 've been able to benefit from .

  19. 长期而言,取得先发优势的投行不能指望与股票发行方建立“铁打的”关系,带来其它交易。

    Longer term , the first movers cannot count on clinching cast-iron relationships with issuers which will yield other mandates .

  20. 这是先发优势论的变体,潜台词是技术变革带来了巨大的领先优势。

    This is a variation on the first mover argument , implying a paradigm shift that gives you a tremendous lead .

  21. 一个是后进入者如何制定正确的竞争战略,从而在与具有先发优势的在位者之间的竞争中赢得应有的市场份额;

    On one hand , what strategies should new entrants adopt in order to gain market share from incumbents that have first-mover advantages ?

  22. 亚洲和拉美的银行将夺取市场份额。不过,他补充称,老牌的跨国银行拥有强大的先发优势。

    Asian and Latin American banks will take market share , though he adds that established global banks have a big head start .

  23. 先发优势与互联网互联互通阶段政策他表示人们还通过互联网来学习新的东西和观光不同的地方。

    First-Mover Advantage and Interconnection between Internet Backbone Providers ; He says people also use the Internet to learn new things and visit different places .

  24. 通过引入自己的商业模式,优步获得了先发优势。这种模式是招募司机运送乘客,辅之以大额补贴。

    Uber gained first-mover advantage by introducing its business model , which relies on enlisting drivers to shuttle around passengers , complementing it with big subsidies .

  25. 电大教育在服务农村人力资源开发和县域经济发展方面,积累了先发优势和能力基础。

    As the professional distance education system , RTVUs have accumulated first advantages and capabilities when they provide service to human resource development and rural economic developing .

  26. 主导力形成的先发优势为美国带来了巨大的利益,其中最主要的表现是促成了1990年代美国经济的持续增长。

    The preemptive advantage of the leading force brings great benefits to the American economy , of which the main manifestation is the 1990 's sustainable economic growth .

  27. 为了实现从后发优势向先发优势的转变,有必要对传统优势企业的不连续创新进行专门的研究。

    Therefore , in order to change from afterward advantage to beforehand one , it is very important to study the discontinuous innovations of the traditional dominant firms .

  28. 中国此前曾计划跨越整整一代传统引擎技术,转而开发电动车,以期取得相对于西方的先发优势。

    China had planned to hurdle an entire generation of conventional engine technology to develop what Beijing hoped would be an early advantage over the west in electric vehicles .

  29. 随着技术复杂性的提高和创新周期的缩短,后发优势逐渐向先发优势转变,突破性创新意义凸现。

    With technological complexity improving and innovation cycle shortening , late starter 's advantage transform gradually to first starter 's advantage , the meaning of radical innovation is shown especially .

  30. 温州经济具有市场经济的先发优势,民营经济非常发达。

    First-Mover Advantage and Interconnection between Internet Backbone Providers Wenzhou 's economy has gained the initiative of market economy by striking the first blow and the civilian-run economy is very prosperous .