
  • 网络foretasting;foretasted;foretaste;prelibation
  1. 有福的确据,耶稣属我,我今得先尝主荣耀喜乐!

    Blessed assurance , Jesus is mine ! O what a foretaste of glory divine !

  2. 在她喝这药水之前,他先尝了尝。

    He tasted the liquid medicine first before she drank it .

  3. 她先尝了尝酒,然后才给别人喝。

    She sampled the wine before giving it to the others .

  4. 您可以先尝一下再做决定。

    You can have a taste then make your decision then .

  5. 你可以先尝后买。

    You can have a tastebefore you decide to buy or not .

  6. 他们也更习惯于不先尝一尝食物就加盐。

    And they 're more likely to salt food without tasting it first .

  7. 对未来的激烈冲突先尝到的滋味。

    A foretaste of the fierce conflict to come .

  8. 当时我就在这个房间里恳求艾林大人叫人先尝过食物,自己再吃,可他不肯听,还告诉我:只有不配做人的东西才会想到这种事。

    I begged Lord Arryn to use a taster , in this very room I begged him , but he would not hear of it . Only one who was less than a man would even think of such a thing , he told me .