
  • 网络pioneer tree species;Pioneer species
  1. 枫香是更新造林的先锋树种与优势树种。

    Liquidambar Formosana Hance is a pioneer species and advantage species of reforestation .

  2. 中龄林阳性先锋树种优势度明显,演替层树种组成最丰富。

    The dominance of the pioneer species is obvious in the middle-year forest . And the species in the succession layer is most abundant .

  3. 红桤木(Alnusrubra)为非豆科共生固氮速生、先锋树种,主要分布在北美太平洋西北部。

    As a lowland species , red alder ( Alnus rubra ) is most often observed along the northern Pacific coast .

  4. 白桦(BetuLapLatyphyLLa)为我国东北与内蒙古地区的先锋树种,广泛用于建筑、家俱和造纸业。

    Betula platyphylla , a kind of pioneer tree species in Northeast and Inner Mongolia of China , is widely used in construction , furniture , and paper production .

  5. 杨梅(MyricarubraSieb.etZucc)系我国特产水果,也是我国南方的一种先锋树种。

    Myrica rubra Sieb . et Zucc ( Chinese tree berry , red bayberry ) is an important native fruit representing endemic species of China , is a tropical and subtropical fruit and is also a pioneer plant in Southern China .

  6. 可作为干热河谷地区恢复植被的造林先锋树种。

    It can be selected as a pioneer tree species to afforestation of hot and dry river valley .

  7. 晋北干旱地区风沙治理造林的先锋树种

    The Pioneer Tree Species for the Sand and Storm Treatment and Forestation in the Drought Regions of Northern Shanxi

  8. 放线菌根瘤植物是自然界中一类重要的固氮资源,作为先锋树种和伴生树种在造林中有重要的应用价值。

    Actinorhizal Plants are a kind of important natural nitrogen-fixing resources , and they have high value in reforestation as pioneer and accompanying species .

  9. 在我国的北方地区,四倍体刺槐可作为我国重要的多用途经济树种,是重要的造林先锋树种。

    Black locust is a multipurpose legume tree species in our country and one of the important silviculture harbingers in northern region of our country .

  10. 沙棘是我国西北大部生态环境治理中用于植被恢复的先锋树种,该研究结果对于将来生态恢复中种源和物种的选择都具有重要意义。

    All species of Hippophae have been widely used as the pioneer species in ecological restoration . The experimental results will be important for further selection of seed resources .

  11. 马尾松是我国南方主要的用材树种,也是荒山造林的先锋树种,具有重要的经济价值和生态服务功能。

    Pinus massoniana is not only the main commercial tree species but also the pioneer species for forestations in southern China , which has important economic value and ecological service function .

  12. 刺槐作为一个理想的混交树种和植被恢复的先锋树种对我国温带大部分地区植被恢复和生态建设具有重大的意义。

    As a perfect hybrid planting and a pioneer tree species in restoring vegetation , black locust is very valuable in restoring vegetation and ecological building in temperate zone of China .

  13. 新银合欢作为生态恢复初期的先锋树种明显改善了生态系统的微环境,为后继种的入侵和定居创造了条件。

    Leucaena leucocephala plantation , as pioneer species in the initial stage of ecosystem restoration , improves micro-environment of ecosystem , and creates favorable conditions for post species to intrude and colonize .

  14. 在天然林中,先锋树种比顶极树种对病原菌更敏感,群落演替的早期阶段对病原菌比较敏感。

    In natural forest , pioneer tree species are more susceptible to plant pathogens than climax species . Plant community in early succession stage is susceptible to plant pathogens compared to climax community .

  15. 其根瘤菌固氮能力强,对改良干旱地区的土壤环境和土壤质量也具有很大的积极作用,是荒山造林的先锋树种。

    Of its nitrogen-fixing ability of Rhizobium , they also can play a positive role in improving the soil environment in arid regions and soil quality . They are the pioneer trees in reforestation of barren hills .

  16. 研究表明,沙棘是治理砒砂岩地区水土流失的先锋树种,沙棘植物柔性坝是防治该区水土流失的有效生态工程措施。

    The research result showed that seabuckthorn is the leading small arbor for controlling soil and water loss of the soft rock region , and seabuckthorn plant flexible dam is very effective ecology engineering for control and harness of soil and water loss of it .

  17. 台湾桤木(Alnusformosana)原产台湾,是台湾地区重要的先锋造林树种和林地培肥树种。

    Alnus formosana , originated in Taiwan Province , is an important pioneer afforestation tree in Taiwan and can fertilize forestry soil .

  18. 经种植实验研究选择出适宜于矿区条件的先锋植物和适宜树种,建立了不同立地条件下的植被配置模式。

    As a result of the planting experiments , the pioneer plants and the seeds of trees suitable for the nature conditions of the mine area were selected . The models of vegetation disposition in the different soil and topographic conditions were set up .