
lùn shuō wén
  • essay;argumentation;argumentative treatise
论说文 [lùn shuō wén]
  • [argumentation;treatise] 议论与说明体裁的文章

  1. 本文通过学生ESL作文实例尝试分析中国人典型的曲线思维模式对ESL写作,尤其是ESL论说文的写作的影响,以此说明ESL写作时也要注重思维模式的转换。

    By analyzing the students ' compositions , this thesis attempts to analyze the influence of the Chinese curved mode of thinking on ESL writing , especially the writing of English argumentation in an effort to emphasize the transformation of mode of thinking in the process of writing .

  2. 适当的引述可以增加论说文的信服力。

    Proper reporting can make argumentation more convincing .

  3. 玄学的兴盛与论说文的繁荣&正始论说文的文化学阐释

    The Prosperity of Neo - Taoism and Flourishing of Argumentation

  4. 你的论说文描写太多,对议题的讨论不够。

    Your essay contains too much description , and not enough discussion of the issues .

  5. 大体上可分为论说文与序文两类,其中,又以序文在艺术上的成就大一些。

    This part can be divided into two kinds of argumentation and preface on the whole .

  6. 提出一篇论说文或论点,针对的是学院读者。试题不牵涉到专门知识。

    Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic .

  7. 课程内容涵盖不同的写作体材,如描述、记叙、论说文等。

    Students will be taught different writing styles , such as description , narration , exposition , and argumentation .

  8. 三国时期的论说文文论以谋求论说文独立的文学地位为指向。

    During the Three Kingdoms period , the argumentation the ory strove to gain an independent literary position for argumentation .

  9. 你可以写一篇论文或是依据个人本身兴趣与看法的论说文。

    You are responsible for coming up with a thesis or argument largely dependent on your own interests and ideas .

  10. 晋代论说文文论较前一时期有了长足的进步。

    Argumentation theory of the Jin Dynasty made tremendous progress , the number of critics increased , and research methods improved .

  11. 文章探讨了社会文化和社会语言因素对中国学生英语论说文写作的影响。

    This paper studies sociocultural and sociolinguistic influences on Chinese students ' writing of argumentative essays ( written in English ) .

  12. 每一个部分包含一篇特定文体的文章,如说明文、论说文、广告和观点述评等。

    Each section includes a text of a certain style , such as exposition , argumentation , advertisement , and opinion-editorial .

  13. 包括描写文、叙述文、论说文等各种不同体裁的写作。

    Including the description article , the narration article , discuss Shuowen and so on each kind of different literature style the writing .

  14. 语篇层面,主要表现在受汉语思维方式迁移的语篇结构上,如书信、新闻、论说文和诗歌分别呈现出螺旋形、归纳式和意合的语篇结构。

    At the textual level , they are revealed in spiral , inductive and paratactic text structures in letters , news , essays and poetry .

  15. 我们由嵇康一些论说文的结构方式、论辩析理的技巧特色等入手,可以窥知其散文对传统论文的继承与突破。

    From the structure and some techniques adopted in Jikangs argumentation , we are able to catch a glimpse of his inheritance and breakthroughs towards traditional argumentative essays .

  16. 引述作为说理论证的重要手段,常常用于论说文中以增强论说的可靠性、权威性以及客观性。

    Reporting , as an important method of reasoning and argumentation , is frequently used in argumentative writings aiming at achieving credibility , authority and objectivity of their arguments .

  17. 本论文以阿多诺四卷本《文学笔记》为主要研究对象,分诗歌、论说文、小说、戏剧四个方面讨论阿多诺的文学思想。

    This thesis , focusing on the four volumes of Notes to Literature , discusses his thoughts on literature from four aspects : poetry , essay , fiction and drama .

  18. 对中国英语学习者而言,能否在论说文中恰当地使用模糊引述来源是其写作能力的体现,能够直接影响其论证效果。

    As far as Chinese English learners are concerned , whether they can use vague reporting source properly embodies their writing ability and has an immediate impact on the effect of argumentation .

  19. 以论说文文法评点小说结构&金圣叹小说评点的一个本质特征大体上可分为论说文与序文两类,其中,又以序文在艺术上的成就大一些。

    To Comment on a Novel Structure by Means of the Argumentation Writing Style & One Essential Feature in Jin Shengtan 's Commentaries on Novels This part can be divided into two kinds of argumentation and preface on the whole .