
  1. 论梅兰希顿与德国宗教改革

    On Philip Melanchthon and the Reformation in Germany

  2. 伊拉斯谟与德国宗教改革

    Erasmus and German Reformation

  3. 马丁路德是德国宗教改革运动的发轫者,他的宗教思想是他所处时代的产物,具有鲜明的反封建倾向及强烈的为信仰而斗争的特点。

    Martin ruther is the advocator of German religious reform movement , whose religious idea is the fruit of his times with obvious anti-feudal trend and characteristics of struggling for belief .

  4. 浅析德国文艺复兴与宗教改革重叠的原因

    Probing into the Mixed - Tangled Causes of the Renaissance and Religion Reformation in German