
  • 网络Mila Mountain;Milasan;Samira
  1. 它要重现印度神话中的米拉山&印度人的天堂。

    It was to recreate in Hindu mythology the Mount Mira , the Hindu Heaven .

  2. 因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。

    Therefore , said Mira Hill is a continental climate with the climate of the watershed .

  3. 种类组成趋向于集中在少数科内,区系优势现象明显,反映出米拉山自然环境的特殊性和区系的过渡性。

    The composition of species tending to centralize in few families and obvious advantage of region reflect the environment particularity and region transition in Mila mountians .

  4. 米拉:沃拉山风景很美,但很荒凉。他们不在荒凉的山地上生活。

    Meera : It 's beautiful up there but very wild . They don 't live on the naked hills .