
  • 网络intermediary services
  1. 目前,房地产行业的不断升温,房地产市场也空前活跃,此时房屋中介服务机构也随着不断涌现。

    With the heating up of the real estate industry and the real estate market , housing intermediary services are emerging .

  2. 简论安全生产社会中介服务机构的形成与管理试论Java与木材加工业自动化控制和安全生产的关系

    Brief Discussion about Relation between Java and Automatic Control and Production Safety of Wood Processing Industry

  3. 我国CBA联赛市场的需求主体主要有球迷、赞助商、媒体和地方政府,体育中介服务机构主要承担CBA联赛市场商务推广活动的中介代理。

    The demanding main body of Chinese professional basketball competition market is mainly the fans , the sponsors , the media and the local authority , the sports intermediary service organization mainly undertakes the intermediary proxy of the sports event commerce promotion activity .

  4. 专业中介服务机构虚假陈述民事责任研究

    On Civil Liability of False Statement of Professional Service Agency

  5. 科技中介服务机构核心员工薪酬体系的设计

    Compensation System Design for Core Employees in Science Service Agencies

  6. 专业中介服务机构及其直接责任人;

    Professional agencies and direct persons liable in the agencies ;

  7. 进一步完善和发展中介服务机构;7.有步骤地开放予外资参与,逐步实现与国际资本市场接轨。

    Enhance intermediary service , 7 . Open the market for foreign investment .

  8. 信用中介服务机构发展中的问题与对策

    China 's Credit Agencies : Problems & Solutions

  9. 基于科技中介服务机构的产业密集区技术扩散研究

    Study on Intermediary Service Organization of Science Technology and Technology Diffusion in Difference Region

  10. 规范科技中介服务机构,完善科技中介服务体系;

    Perfect scientific and technological intermediary service system ;

  11. 中介服务机构的信誉评估模型

    The Appraisable Reputation Model of the Medium Organization

  12. 龙头企业、中介服务机构和农户构成农业产业链条不可缺少的组成部分。

    Leading enterprises , medium organizations and farmers form a integrated chain of agricultural industry .

  13. 档案中介服务机构研究

    The Research of Agency Organ of Archives

  14. 我国科技中介服务机构政策支持和法律规范

    On the Policy-support and Legal Regulations Related to China 's Intermediary Institutions for Scientific Service

  15. 2建立配套的土地使用权流转市场和中介服务机构加强市场服务。

    Establish land use right transfer market and intermediary service agencies to strengthen the markets .

  16. 暂不设立外商独资人才中介服务机构。

    No solely foreign-funded human resources intermediary service agency shall be established for the present time .

  17. 企业孵化器作为一种中介服务机构,也有其自身发展规律。

    As an intermediary service organization , business incubator has it 's own law of development .

  18. 另一方面则从中介服务机构和法律制度的完善着手。

    On the other hand , we begins from agency service institute and consummation of law system .

  19. 国内外科技中介服务机构的比较与启示

    Research on Comparison and Implication of Intermediary Service Organization of Science and Technology at Home and Abroad

  20. 创新行为主体主要包括企业、教育与培训机构、科研机构、政府、中介服务机构等。

    Innovation behavior subjects include business , University , scientific research institutions , government , intermediary institutions .

  21. 房地产中介服务机构可以代理销售不符合销售条件的商品房吗?

    Real estate agent intermediary service agencies can not meet the conditions of sale of commercial housing sales ?

  22. 信用评级机构是顺应着资本市场的发展所产生的专业的中介服务机构。

    Credit rating agency is the professional intermediary service organization which is generating as the development of capital market .

  23. 五是引导、鼓励科技型中介服务机构和民营科技企业的健康发展;

    The fifth , encourage and guide the healthy development of the scientific service intermediary and private scientific companies .

  24. 科技中介服务机构对技术扩散的影响成为政府和学者关注的焦点。

    Influence of intermediary service organization of science & technology on technology diffusion became the focus of government and scholar .

  25. 作为中介服务机构,信用评级机构承担了其他市场看门人所不具备的职能。

    As an intermediary , credit rating agencies assume the functions that the other " gatekeepers " do not have .

  26. 第四章以提出科技中介服务机构的运作模式和发展策略为目的。

    In chapter 4 , the operating model and development strategy of science and technology intermediary agent is put forward .

  27. 会计师事务所作为经济活动的中介服务机构,其发展与企业存在着密切关系。

    As intermediary service agencies of economic activities of certified public accountants , Its development has close relations with the enterprise .

  28. 市场中介服务机构的培育和发展,对社会主义市场经济体制的建立和完善具有重要的意义。

    The cultivation and development of market in-between-service has great importance in the founding and perfecting of socialism market economic system .

  29. 公司现有一百多家美国、英国合作院校,与多家国内教育、中介服务机构建立了良好的合作关系。

    We also manage projects in partnership with education institutions , corporations and agencies such as ESL , AOSEO and other partners .

  30. 许多国家的实践证明,科技中介服务机构是科技成果成功商业化的一个有效渠道。

    Many nations test and verify that , intermediary service organization of science technology is an effective commercialization channel to scientific technological achievements .