
dà xiě
  • capitalization;uppercase letter;the capital form of a Chinese numeral;capital form of a Chinese character
大写 [dà xiě]
  • (1) [capitalization;uppercase letter]∶拼音文字中字母的一种写法,如a的大写是A,b的大写是B

  • (2) [capital form of a Chinese character]∶汉字数目字的一种笔画较多的写法,如一的大写是壹,十的大写是拾

大写[dà xiě]
  1. 她神气十足地坐在一张大写字台后面。

    She was sitting importantly behind a big desk .

  2. 请用正体大写字母填写表格。

    Please fill out the form in block capitals .

  3. 标题应该大写。

    Headings should be in upper case .

  4. 使用大写字母。

    Use block capitals .

  5. ecu是用小写字母而不是大写字母印刷的。

    ' Ecu ' was printed in lower case rather than capital letters .

  6. 我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写。

    We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals .

  7. 姓名和地址是大写的。

    The name and address are written in capitals .

  8. 大多学校先教孩子们小写字母,然后再教大写字母。

    Most schools teach children lower case letters first , and upper case letters later .

  9. 你应该把小写的i改为大写的i。

    You should correct the small letter I to capital letter I.

  10. 首字母要大写。

    The first letter should be capitalized .

  11. 在开始写一个句子或一个人名或一个地名时,要用到大写字母。

    A capital letter is used to begin a sentence or the name of a person or place .

  12. 随着姓氏被广泛接受,姓氏的第一个字母开始大写,如RobertSmith。

    As the last name became widely accepted , the first letter was capitalized , as in Robert Smith .

  13. 你了解大写字母吗?

    Are you a talent when it comes to big letter ?

  14. 确保这些大写字母书写正确。

    And make sure these capital lettersare written properly .

  15. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  16. 这是网络礼仪大忌。大写字母表示你在大吼大叫。

    It 's a netiquette no-no. It means you 're yelling4 .

  17. 最后,真的,别在信中全用大写。

    And finally , really , don 't use all caps in an email .

  18. 那儿,就在网的中心,织着两排漂亮的大写字母,好像是在传达某种信息。

    There , in the center of the web , neatly woven in block letters , was a message .

  19. 那么,来简单复习一下,记住,拼字检查、文法检查、不要全打大写、不要在心情不好或生气或累的时候寄信,还有记得让人知道这封信由谁寄出,这样他们才能适当回复你。

    So , to recap , remember , spell check , grammar check , don 't type in all caps , don 't send an email when you 're upset or angry or tired , and remember to let somebody know who the email 's coming from so they can respond to you appropriately .

  20. 史密斯先生用大写签发了一张一百万美元的支票–Mr。

    Smith has signed a one million dollar check in words .

  21. 类和接口名以大写字母开头,如Frame。

    Class and interface names begin with a capital letter , as in Frame .

  22. 大写的X将选择可由其他人执行的文件。

    A capital X selects files that are executable by others .

  23. 一个非正式的Java编程标准是大写一个类名的首字母。

    The unofficial standard in Java is to capitalize the first letter of a class name .

  24. 这个设计,他们说是一个像大写字母U的形状。

    That design , they say , is shaped like the letter U.

  25. 在包名中使用小写的“w”而在类名中要使用大写的“W”。

    Note the lowercase'w'in the package name and the upper case'W'in the name .

  26. 建立的一个三层的BP神经网络能对带有噪声的26个英文大写字母进行识别。

    And the trilevel BP neural network can identify the 26 English capital letters with noises .

  27. 应该可以看到“HelloWorld!”示例标题现在全部都是大写字母了。

    You should notice that the " Hello World !" sample post title is now all in uppercase letters .

  28. 用VB编写将数字转换为大写汉字的函数

    A Function Made By VB to Transform Number to Capital Chinese Characters

  29. 例如,假设有一个Java应用程序,它计算句子中大写字母的数量。

    For example , think of a Java application to count the number of uppercase letters in a sentence .

  30. 举例来说,在C中,类名都是以小写字母开头的,方法名和字段名以大写字母开头。

    In C # , for example , class names begin with lowercase letters , and method and field names begin with uppercase letters .