
dà bù duì
  • large unit
  1. 最终,大部队在拉脱维亚赶上了他。

    Eventually , the army caught up with him in Latvia

  2. 第一批分遣大部队今天在美国着陆。

    The first large contingent of troops touches down on American soil today .

  3. 他率领大部队进城。

    He marched into the city at the head of a large force .

  4. 一天,像往常一样她又被大部队甩到后面很远,这时她一个人朝着山上的老房子艰难的跑过去。

    One day , when as usual the pack had left her far behind , she found herself alone as she trudged8 up the hill towards the old house .

  5. 将军说大部队九点出发。

    General says the main force is moving out at zero-nine .

  6. 最终;终于最终,大部队在拉脱维亚赶上了他。

    Eventually , the army caught up with him in Latvia .

  7. 而为了保护大部队,我们继续撤退

    And we just kept retreating to save the group .

  8. 我听不见大部队是否已经离开了。

    I couldn 't hear if the main group had left yet .

  9. 让我带一支大部队,再向前挺进一步。

    Let me take a larger army and go further .

  10. 我们拿到食物带回大部队

    We get the food , we bring it to the group ,

  11. 大部队已经离开,但是克鲁泽快跑追上了。

    The group had left , but Mr. Kruse raced to catch up .

  12. 大部队已经在路上了。

    The whole damn cavalry is on the way .

  13. 我们在这里没有看到大部队。

    We don 't see any troops up here .

  14. 回到家后,西罗。费拉拉将会给大部队两天的休息时间。

    Upon returning home , Ciro Ferrara will grant the team two days of rest .

  15. 我发现一只小海豹落在大部队后面。

    I noticed a smaller seal had dropped off the back of the main group .

  16. 他们打算赶到大部队前头,从北面给他们一个惊奇。

    They planned to leapfrog the main army convoy and surprise them from the north .

  17. 你的基本任务就是避免大部队受到敌人奇袭。

    Your principle role is to prevent the main body of the column from being surprised .

  18. 后面的是大部队吗?

    Is the main body behind ?

  19. 我们得取得食物赶上大部队

    We got to take the food , we got to get back to the group ,

  20. 这8个士兵抵挡住了敌人几次进攻,最后终于被大部队援救出来。

    The eight soldiers saw off several enemy attacks and finally were rescued by the large troops .

  21. 在塔吉克斯坦徒步旅行的最后一天,我和妻子与大部队分开了。

    On the final day of a trek in Tajikistan , my wife and I split from the main group .

  22. 如果你觉得工作效率在下降,那就要尽快赶上大部队,并提高你的日产出量和周产出量。

    If you feel your productivity slipping , take strides to step up your game and increase your daily and weekly output .

  23. 伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争带来的惨痛教训是,英国再也没有能力投入大部队打长期战争。

    The painful lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan has been that Britain can no longer fight long wars with large numbers of troops .

  24. 一旦完成部署,韩国将成为继美国之后在第三大部队。

    Once the deployment is completed , South Korea will have the third-largest contingent in iraq , after the United States and britain .

  25. 故事讲述了抗日某营七连六班的五位战士掩护大部队转移英勇献身的故事。

    The story is about a battalion of the Japanese seven with six classes five fighters cover the transfer of large forces heroically story .

  26. 不过他够不够格运转一个拥有核武器和世界上五大部队之一的荒岛遗国,仍受到很大质疑。

    But his qualifications for running a derelict country with a nuclear arsenal and one of the world 's five biggest armies are seriously in doubt .

  27. 只要马健康、兵车坚固,甲胄兵器精良,虽是小部队也能起大部队的作用。

    When the horses and chariots are sturdy , the armor and weapons are strong , then even a small force can perform like a big force .

  28. 在游戏后期,让“工程师”跟随你的大部队还有一个优势:任何你摧毁的行动机甲可以被用于对抗敌人。

    Taking " Engies " along with your main Army has another advantage later in the game : Any Walker you destroy may be used against your enemy .

  29. 大部队夜间向后撤退2英里,占据于有利地形。不是军队总动员,而是军队不动员,或向后撤。

    The battalion pulled back two miles during the night and took up prepared positions . Not the total mobilization of the armed forces , but their immobilization or withdrawal .

  30. 他说,俄罗斯已建立起来的大部队在阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯-分裂的地区,有支持,从莫斯科-包括多达300门大炮在南奥塞梯单。

    He said that Russia had built up large forces in Abkhazia and South Ossetia breakaway regions that have support from Moscow including as many as300 artillery pieces in South Ossetia alone .