
  • 网络Chen Jianzhou;Chien-Chou Chen;Charles;Charles Chen;Jeremy;Chien-chou Chan
  1. 他们也有过七年之痒,不过当陈建州在去年的一场NBA比赛中向范范求婚时,他们的感情也安然度过了危险期。

    They had a seven years ' itch , but survived it when Chen proposed to Fan during an NBA game last year .

  2. 《信息时报》消息,台湾娱乐圈知名人士陈建州(黑人)和女友范玮琪相恋10年,于今年二月在新泽西NBA球场求婚成功。

    Popular Taiwanese entertainer Blackie Chen and girlfriend of10 years , Christine Fan , are finally getting engaged this Saturday , Information Times reports .

  3. 就像陈建州说的一样:不管起起落落,我们始终在一起。

    As Chen said : Regardless of ups and downs , we are still together .

  4. 他们的恋情曝光于一场洪灾期间,陈建州背着范范走出她的家。

    Their relationship went official when Chen carried Fan on his back out of her home during a flood .