
diǎn miàn jié hé
  • link work at selected spots with that in entire areas
点面结合[diǎn miàn jié hé]
  1. 点面结合是一个很有效的工作方法。

    To link work at selected spots with that in entire areas is a very effective working method .

  2. 本文以点面结合的方式阐述了一个基于C/S与B/S多层结构的管理信息系统的设计过程。

    The thesis has expounded the designing process of a management information system with a multilayer structure based on the combination of C / S and B / S.

  3. 实现点面结合,强化网络建设。

    Combining point and surface and strengthening net construction .

  4. 点面结合:温州民营企业档案工作的新主题

    A New Subject of Filing in Wenzhou Civilian-run Enterprises

  5. 它以网络方式为服务传递手段,以知识管理作为服务的基点,实行点面结合的服务运作方式。

    It is based on network service delivery , with knowledge management as its starting points .

  6. 只有采用点面结合的综合检测方法才能对注浆效果进行全面准确的评价。

    Even if the point-surface comprehensive measurement methods are adopted , the grouting effect can be evaluated accurately and fully .

  7. 这三个部分所占比重较大,在理论指导下对大量具体事实进行了深入细致的分析,或以点带面,或点面结合,并附有大量表格,以便更加直观、清晰地分析问题。

    In the three chapters , I make a careful and deep analysis of the facts with the guidance of theory and a lot of graphs .

  8. 通过点面结合调查,基本掌握了该市庭院林业发展的主要模式,主要树种构成以及产生的经济效益和生态环境效益。

    Investigations on major type , main tree species of courtyard forestry development in this city so as to make clear of their economic and ecological advantages .

  9. 文中引用大量数据和图表作为分析手段,点面结合,找出问题的解决方法,重建宁夏庆华煤化公司激励机制。

    This thesis has quoted lots of data and graphs , and found out the methods of how to solve this problem and rebuild the excitation mechanism of Ningxia Qinghua Coalification Company .

  10. 本文主要采用点面结合的描写方法、共时比较和历时比较相结合的方法,在比较广泛的材料的基础上,对汉语方言持续标记做一次比较全面的、鸟瞰式的考察。

    To accomplish this study , we adopted the way of description from Xiangfan dialect to others , and comparison between the synchronic and diachronic data on the foundation of the extensive material .

  11. 其次调研方法为实地考察、访谈、问卷调查、查阅报表、翻阅卷宗等多种方式相结合,点面结合,并对得到的数据进行整理分析。

    Next , the research methods combines with many ways such as site-visits , interviews , questionnaires , inspection reports , reading files and also combining the entire areas with the set ones .

  12. 分析认为,隧道工程施工质量管理是一个系统工程,需要采取点面结合、定性与定量相结合、宏观控制与细微管理相结合的多种方式。

    As analysis , tunnel construction quality management was a system , which needs a variety ways combined with point and plane , with qualitative and quantitative , with macro control and subtle management .

  13. 依据瓦斯突出矿井的条件和其地球物理场的特征,提出了点面结合的以电磁法为主的非接触式瓦斯突出预测方法。

    In this paper the authors put forward the non contact prediction method of outbursts in the light of characteristics of the geophysical field of outbursts and the practical conditions of the outburst mine .

  14. 其次,在复习策略阐述中,侧重对高中生物各阶段各部分内容的复习方法指导,复习策略点面结合,内容详实,层次清晰。

    Second , review the strategy described in this article , the focus of high school biology at all stages of the review part of the contents of the guide , review the strategy , informative , clear levels .

  15. 力图做到以韶关市为个案,进而以点带面,点面结合,为华南五省片区及其中国其它山区市广播电视系统体制改革提供个案参考与借鉴价值。

    Trying to take Shaoguan city as a case , and then point to area , entire areas of five provinces in South China Area and other mountain areas of China Television Broadcasting System Reform , and Provide case information and reference value .

  16. 正文根据丹纳心理轨迹的变化采取点面结合、史论相融的方法,分三个大部分对他的思维方式、美学思想、精神困境进行阐述。

    The body part is divided into three sections , and according to the variation of Taine 's psychological development , illustrating his ideological mode , aesthetic thoughts , and spirit dilemma by employing a method of combining points and facets , history and critiques .

  17. 根据高职院校校园网防火墙的可靠性、安全性、合理性、有效性及经济性等要求,提出了点面结合、新型的校园网防火墙改进方案,以解决点单失效问题。

    According to the requirements of campus network firewall in higher vocational colleges , such as reliability , safety , rationality , validity and economical efficiency , new improvement solutions which integrate point and sphere are put forward to solve the problem of Single Location Invalidation .

  18. 提高中小学教师教育生理学素养,要遵循主动性、统一性、点面结合、求真务实四项基本原则,具体可以从职前和职后两个阶段着手实施。

    To improve the literacy education of primary and secondary school teachers , we have to follow the four basic principles , initiative , unity , truth-seeking and pragmatic , to be specific , which can be measured from the two stages , pre-service and in-service .

  19. 通过第二部分对湖州市城中村的现状及问题分析,由点及面结合前人研究经验和成果,论述城镇化进程中城中村治理问题的产生原因和主要特点。

    Through the analysis of the present situation and problems of urban village in Huzhou , this part discusses the causes and main characteristics of urban village governance .

  20. 采取点-面结合综合观测研究思路,运用卫星遥感-地面观测综合变分处理技术,可以取得客观订正的显著效果。

    The remarkable corrected effect is obtained by using a point-to-face integrated observation research technique and variational processing method by MODIS AOD retrieval data and corresponding observation data on the ground .

  21. 探讨城市水系空间如何由点及面逐步结合,并向整个城市扩散、渗透,以及如何与其他城市生态元素有机结合,共同形成完整的生态系统和景观体系。

    Discusses how city water system space gradually integrated from points to planes , diffusing and sinking to the whole city at every direction , and how to combine organically other city elements , commonly forming the complete ecosystem and landscape system .

  22. 感触、感染、感悟的点、线、面结合&儿童钢琴教学与格式塔理论

    Integration of Points for Feeling , Influence and Realization & Gestalt Theory for Enfant Teaching of Piano

  23. 通过点、线、面结合的绿地系统构建王家墩地区良好的生态环境。

    The green land system gathering points , lines and planes shall compose the good ecological environment for Wangjiadun district .

  24. 本文论述天长市充分利用环城水系,以生态学理论作指导,以建设点、线、面结合的园林精品城市为目标,制订该市1997~2010年城市园林绿地系统规划的基本原则和具体内容。

    Principle and content of planning of green field system and gardens in city parks of Tianchang city in 1997 ~ 2010 were proposed .

  25. 昆明&曼谷公路存在的问题是一个点、线、面结合的综合问题,关键在于中、老、泰三国要协调好公路便利化问题。

    The problems the Kunming-Bangkok Highway facing is overall problem combining " point , line and plane ", and the key answer to this problem is to encourage China , Laos and Thailand coordinating in road facilitation .

  26. 分析了上海曲阳居住区公共绿地规划,总结其点、线、面结合的绿地规划结构,探讨城市居住区公共绿地规划设计问题。

    Based on the analyses and researches for the public green area planning of Quyang residential area of Shanghai city , this paper summarizes its green area planning structure , which integrated with green point , line and area .

  27. 对人类学知识与文学研究的最佳结合点&神话学做了点面结合的示范性阐说;

    Furthermore the paper also demonstrated comprehensively on the study of mythology that combined the anthropological perspective and the literary study .

  28. 本文围绕西安古都之魂旅游形象,从景区(点)、主题街区、文化小品和旅游纪念品四个层次进行旅游产品的规划和设计,使旅游产品点面结合、新颖别致。

    This article takes the tourism image of " the soul in the ancient capital of Xi ' an " as the focus , from four different levels , such as scenic spot , characteristic block , culture essay and tourist souvenir , etc. plans and designs the tourist products .