
diǎn zhèn shì dǎ yìn jī
  • dot matrix printer
点阵式打印机[diǎn zhèn shì dǎ yìn jī]
  1. 点阵式打印机头的机电一体化分析

    An analysis of mechatronics on the head of the dot-matrix needle printer

  2. 这类包括视频显示卡,点阵式打印机和激光打印机。

    This category includes video display adapters , dot-matrix printers , and laser printers .

  3. 对点阵式打印机打印文件的检验

    On the Inspection of Matrix Printed Documents

  4. 点阵式打印机正被淘汰,并为高清晰度打印机所取代。

    Dot matrix printers are being phased out and replaced by printers that can produce clean type .

  5. 本文讨论了怎样使用缓冲输出技术与字库调度技术,提高普通点阵式打印机汉字驱动程序的速度。

    This paper deals with the way to speed up the driver , program of Chinese on general dot printer by applying the technology of buffer output and Chinese library schedule .

  6. 文章从点阵式打印机的硬件和软件两方面入手,从打印机的类型、结构、字库、油墨等方面加以区分,探讨点阵式打印文件的检验方法,以期为侦查破案和诉讼提供线索和证据。

    Starting with the introduction of hardware and software , this article studies the type , structure , word stock , printing oil and so on of matrix printer , explores the proving methods , and expects to provide clues and evidence to criminal investigation and lawsuit .