
  • 网络Greater Syria
  1. 第二次叙利亚全国代表大会宣布在大叙利亚地区建立包括黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦在内叙利亚联合王国,招致了英国和法国的激烈反对。

    The Second Syrian National Congress announced the establishment of the United Kingdom of Syria in Greater Syria including Lebanon and Palestine , which would inevitably lead to fierce opposition from Britain and France .

  2. 大叙利亚纳斯拉和圣战小组;

    Nasra and Jihad group in greater syria ;

  3. 西格尔:规模更大的叙利亚自由军是反对阿萨德政权的保护伞组织,这对他们来说意味着什么?

    SIEGEL : What does this mean for the larger Free Syrian Army - the umbrella group that 's opposed to the Assad regime ?

  4. 星期一晚间,教皇在挤满信众的圣彼得大教堂呼吁结束叙利亚、黎巴嫩、伊拉克以及中东其他地区的流血冲突。

    Addressing the faithful in a packed St. Peter 's Basilica late Monday , the pontiff called for an end to the bloodshed in Syria , Lebanon , Iraq and their neighbors .