
  • 网络university alliance;AUF;IAU Database
  1. 面向科技人力资源开发的大学联盟研究

    The Research of University Alliance for HRST Development

  2. 构建大学联盟的中小学骨干教师培训制度

    Construct the University Alliance Training System of the Key Members of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers

  3. 我们鼓励建立金砖国家大学联盟的倡议。

    We encourage the initiative to establish the BRICS Network University .

  4. 这些玩家中有许多也会参加另一个大学联盟“常春藤英雄联盟”(IvyLoL)所组织的比赛。

    Many of those players also participate in matches organized by another collegiate league , IvyLoL .

  5. 该模式或许可供我国高等学校实施大学联盟以开发科技人力资源以一定的借鉴意义。

    This model could be applied and implemented by universities in our country to develop HRST .

  6. 他希望成立财团,和私营企业和大学联盟。

    He 's looking to form consortiums and alliances with the private sector , with the universities .

  7. 爱尔兰国立大学联盟

    National University of Ireland

  8. 他是萨摩亚家族中第一个在久负盛名的常春藤名牌大学联盟毕业并获得殊荣的人。

    He was the first person of Samoan Ancestry to graduate with honors from the famed Ivy League institution .

  9. 在规模最大的大学联盟电竞赛事中,如今有上万学生在打,比去年多了4400人,而且比在大学一级联盟打篮球的队员还多了4600人。

    More than 10,000 students now play in the biggest college league , 4,400 more than last year and 4,600 more than the number of men who play on Division I college basketball teams .

  10. 大学联盟总秘长——萨莉.亨特表示,上大学的学生人数大幅度减少没什么好惊讶的。

    The academics ' union , UCU , however , said the overall decline was a direct consequence of the rise in tuition fees.The union 's general secretary , Sally Hunt , said it was " no great surprise that the number of students going to university fell off considerably . "

  11. 高校电竞圈的活动基本围绕“大学星际联盟”(CollegiateStarLeague)进行组织。它于2009年创建于普林斯顿,是目前最大的高校电竞联盟。

    The college scene is largely organized around the Collegiate StarLeague , which started at Princeton in 2009 and is the biggest college league .

  12. 企业与大学知识联盟的绩效评价模型初探

    Evaluation model of knowledge alliance between enterprises and universities

  13. 这里有斯坦福大学的联盟吗?

    Is there a Union here for Stanford ?

  14. 美国大学图书馆联盟研究

    A Study of Consortia of American University Libraries

  15. 对美国大学图书馆联盟的思考

    The Thinking of American Academic Library Consortiums

  16. 高等教育国际合作的新趋势&大学国际联盟的产生及其影响

    New Trend of International Cooperation in Higher Education : University Global Consortium and its Impacts

  17. 梅尔彻是游戏玩家,他在今年看了有关“大学星际联盟”的报道后产生了这个想法。

    The idea came to Mr. Melcher , a gamer , this year after he started reading about the Collegiate StarLeague .

  18. 在美国大学教授联盟和美国公民自由联盟建立中他是一个重要的影响者。

    He was an important influence in the founding the Amercian Association of the University Professors and the American Civil Liberties Union .

  19. 科罗拉多州的研究中心由UCAR(UniversityCorporationforAtmosphericResearch,美国大学大气研究联盟)管理。

    The center in Colorado is managed by a group known as UCAR , the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research .

  20. 问题23以下哪所大学属于常春藤联盟?

    Question 23 . Which of the following universities belongs to the Ivy League ?

  21. 纽约第二大的哥伦比亚大学是长春藤联盟其中一所大学。

    Columbia University , the second-largest landowner in New York City , is part of the Ivy League .

  22. 指出大学城图书馆联盟是实现区域内图书馆资源优化配置理想的合作模式。

    It also points out library league is an ideal cooperation pattern in using the ( library ) resources to optimum .

  23. 美国大学图书馆的联盟活动一直处于其他类型图书馆的前列,其历史可追溯到20世纪30年代之初。

    Since their early history in the 1930s , the consortia of American university libraries have been playing a leading role .

  24. 越来越多的企业把视角转向外部,通过与大学建立知识联盟获取互补性知识,赢得竞争优势。

    For the knowledge scarce , more and more enterprises resort help from outside , and construct knowledge alliance to attain knowledge assets .

  25. 分析了大学-企业知识联盟协同创新的框架及模型。从知识活动系统的角度界定了大学的核心能力,并从这一视角对大学和企业的核心能力进行了统一地描述。

    And analyze the knowledge transfer process in university-enterprise knowledge alliance .

  26. 大学城高校图书馆联盟条件下的信息共享空间研究

    The Research of Information Commons Based on University Town Library Consortia

  27. 探讨了大学-企业知识联盟的组织特征和运行机理。

    Second , analyzing organizational characteristic and function mechanism of university-enterprise knowledge alliance .

  28. 以知识活动系统全息性理论为基础,围绕大学-企业知识联盟展开了深入地研究。

    Taking holographic knowledge activity system as theory basis , the dissertation analyses university-enterprise knowledge alliance .

  29. 设立在牛津大学的公民科学联盟组织称,这些高清图片所展现出的月球表面无比精细、空前详尽,而你将是第一批看到它们的人。

    And the team at Citizen Science Alliance , based at Oxford University , says you 'll then be one of the first to see the moon 's surface in what they call unprecedented detail .

  30. 大学-企业知识联盟是大学和企业为了各自的战略目标,通过协议或联合组织的方式,以知识为纽带的互补性知识联合体。

    For their own strategic purposes and by agreement or co-organized approach , university and enterprise set up the University - Enterprise knowledge alliance which is a supplementary unified body which takes knowledge as its link .