
  • SHARK;great white shark;Jaws
  1. 24岁的克里斯汀还还原过很多其他著名影视场景,比如经典恐怖电影《惊声尖叫》,漫画电影《X战警》甚至还有荧幕经典如《大白鲨》。

    Other transformations even see the 24-year-old take on famous film scenes , such as the iconic horror film Scream , comic book flick X-Men and even screen greats such as Jaws .

  2. 在派对上看到习惯侵犯私人空间的人走过来时,我脑子里就会响起《大白鲨》(Jaws)的音乐。

    When I see a registered personal-space invader coming my way at a party , the music from ' Jaws ' plays in my head .

  3. 据说大白鲨是最危险的一种鲨鱼。

    It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark .

  4. 南非大白鲨,这种通常出现在噩梦和自然纪录片中的动物,神秘地失踪了。蒙瓦比西·锡克维耶亚�鲨鱼观察者组织(SharkSpotters)

    South Africa 's great white sharks – the stuff of nightmares and of nature documentaries – have gone mysteriously missing .

  5. 而这些鲨鱼正是大白鲨的食物之一。

    Those sharks formed part of the great whites ' diet .

  6. 莎拉·安德烈奥蒂博士曾经在这里研究大白鲨。

    Dr Sarah Andreotti used to study great whites here .

  7. 但大白鲨为什么会消失呢?

    But why did they disappear ?

  8. 在大白鲨消失的谜团中,一切都是未知数,但有一点可以确定的是,一如既往,人类是头号嫌疑犯。

    Nothing in this great white mystery is certain , except for the knowledge that we humans are , as usual , prime suspects .

  9. 她的结论是:大白鲨并没有迁徙到别处,只是在这个地区灭绝了,它们的地盘被这些短尾真鲨占领了。

    Her conclusion is that the great whites didn 't move elsewhere , they simply died out – their turf taken over by these copper11 sharks .

  10. 这段由业余人士拍摄的录像记录了两名嫌疑犯的到来,一对虎鲸,别名逆戟鲸,是它们把大白鲨都吓跑了吗?

    This amateur footage shows the arrival of two suspects , a pair of orcas – killer5 whales – could they have scared off all those great whites ?

  11. 她的观点是,大白鲨的数量多年来一直在悄声无息地减少,原因是气候变化、污染和过度捕捞这一系列人类活动。

    Her view is that the great white population has been shrinking unnoticed for many years because of climate change , pollution , overfishing – a range of human activities .

  12. “过去,不管你走到哪里,如果你把脚伸入水中,你可能就会遇到大白鲨,但现在情况不同了。我都不记得最后一次看到鲨鱼是什么时候了。”

    Wherever you go , if you put your feet into the water , you expect to encounter white shark , but that 's not the case no more . I don 't even remember the last time I saw the shark .

  13. “大白鲨的消失不仅令人沮丧,同时也给人一种事情就发生在眼皮底下,却无能为力的感觉,我们看到鲨鱼数量的下降,但所做的工作却不足以让环境得到更好的保护,也许一切为时已晚。”

    It is not just frustrating10 , it 's the feeling that that happened under our watch , you know , we saw the sharks , we saw the numbers were not great , and the work we did wasn 't enough to get the environment better protected in a way , or maybe it was just too late .

  14. 我在南非海豹岛(SealIsland)已待了五、六年时间拍摄大白鲨和其猎物海豹之间的战斗。

    I have been traveling to Seal Island off the coast of South Africa for 5 or 6 years now to photograph the interaction between the great white sharks and their prey , the cape fur seal .

  15. ArnoldPointer是一位来自南澳大利亚的职业渔夫,他曾经将一只落入渔网的雌性大白鲨放生。

    Arnold Pointer a professional fisherman from south of Australia set free from a certain death a big female White Shark that was caught in his fishing nets .

  16. 就像是电影《大白鲨》里的鲨鱼一样--如果斯皮尔伯格的机械鲨鱼Bruce当时可以使用,它就不会离老远都很恐怖;

    Whether it 's like the shark in " Jaws " -- if Spielberg 's mechanical shark , Bruce , had worked , it would not be remotely as scary ;

  17. 由于大白鲨受到野生动物保护条例的保护,我很难摆脱这只17英尺的鲨鱼,然而Arnold和Cindy之间早已情愫暗生。

    It is hard to get rid of an almost 17 feet long shark since the White Sharks are protected by the wildlife conservation , but a mutual affection established between Arnold and Cindy .

  18. 这部电影由斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格大师执导,应该会是个好电影,怎么说他也拍过了那么多优秀的科幻片和探险片,有《外星人E.T.》、《大白鲨》,还有《夺宝奇兵》、《侏罗纪公园》等等。

    The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .

  19. 我真的想和大白鲨一起游泳。

    I really want to do that with the great whites .

  20. 提醒我别接近那个大白鲨。

    Remind me never to go near a great white .

  21. 该一岁的鲨鱼,是圈养大白鲨中存活最久的。

    The one-year-old shark is the longest surviving great white in captivity .

  22. 大白鲨的颚片是进化的奇迹。

    The jaws of a great white are evolutionary marvel .

  23. 他的下一部影片一《大白鲨》一获得了巨大成功。

    His next film - 'jaws ' - was a tremendous success .

  24. 你们发现的是大白鲨的牙齿。

    The shark tooth you guys found is from the great white .

  25. 大白鲨沿著绝大部分世界的海岸线居住。

    The Great White Sharks live along most coastlines of the world .

  26. 游弋的大白鲨必须保持运动状态,否则它就会死亡。

    The great white shark has to keep moving or it dies .

  27. 《大白鲨》热放的时候我住在肯德基。

    The white-hot trail of Jaws , I was over in Kentucky .

  28. 到底是什么力量驱使着自然中最著名的大白鲨?

    What exactly is the power that drives nature 's most famous jaws ?

  29. 而后,我想起电影《大白鲨》里的一句台词,不禁笑了起来:

    Then I remembered that line from Jaws and couldn 't help smiling :

  30. 大白鲨颚片前端有约50颗牙齿。

    About 50 teeth lie in the front of a great white 's jaws .