
dà xínɡ jī
  • mainframe;mainframe computer
  1. Systemz大型机的整体结构

    Overall structure of a System z mainframe

  2. 基于虚拟技术和大型机硬件平台的Linux服务器系统实现

    Implementation of Linux server system based on virtualization and mainframe hardware

  3. 从价格的角度来看,IBM大大缩减了大型机的价格。

    From a pricing perspective , IBM reduced mainframe prices dramatically .

  4. IBM随后为System/360大型机将其产品化。

    IBM subsequently productized it for the System / 360 mainframe .

  5. IBM大型机与小型机间汉字转换解决方案

    The Solution for Chinese Characters Conversion between IBM Mainframe and IBM Minicom

  6. 虚拟以太网:虚拟以太网支持在同一个大型机上的逻辑分区之间进行基于内部分区和基于IP的通信。

    Virtual Ethernet : Virtual Ethernet allows for inter-partition-and IP-based communications between logical partitions on the same frame .

  7. 这个产品的首个版本不包含帮助您在大型机内和UnitTest环境中四处移动数据和代码的实用程序。

    This first version of the product does not include utilities to help you move data and code around the mainframe and the Unit Test environment .

  8. IBM大型机具有高度的可伸缩性,可以每天执行数千万个事务。

    IBM mainframes are highly scalable , capable of executing tens of millions of transactions daily .

  9. 该方案可利用普通的PC机,操作系统为Windows,无需昂贵的大型机或服务器,易用性好。

    Uses normal PC and Windows OS , not needs for expensive workstation , which is convenient to use .

  10. 幸运的是,向运行在IBMSystemz大型机上的Linux移植应用程序时需要考虑的问题相对较少。

    Fortunately , the conceptual issues to consider when porting application programs to Linux running on an IBM System z mainframe are relatively few .

  11. 大型机的CPU成本仍然相对较高,虽然IBM的某些举措对此有所缓解。

    CPU costs on mainframes have remained comparatively high , despite several initiatives by IBM to alleviate this fact .

  12. 源和目标包括关系数据库管理系统、ERP系统、大型机遗留系统、XML和专用数据格式。

    Sources and targets include relational database management systems , ERP systems , mainframe legacy systems , XML , and proprietary data formats .

  13. 在DOS或大型机系统上运行的系统就是这样的遗留系统。

    One such example is systems that are developed on DOS or mainframe systems .

  14. 因为此处要考虑的主要问题是,使用大型机公开的服务与与部署到Internet的应用程序之间的负载级差以及这个负载级差如何影响大型机。

    The key concern here in using services that are exposed off the mainframe is with the load differential of Internet-deployed applications and how that load differential affects the mainframe .

  15. 这个协议已经在许多不同的操作系统中实现&从Windows到UNIX甚至到大型机环境。

    The protocol has been implemented in many different operating systems , from Windows to UNIX and even to mainframe environments .

  16. 计算技术已经从大型机转变到PC及客户机/服务器模式,现在已经发展到真正的分布式计算。

    Computing technology has transitioned from mainframes to PCs and the client / server model , and has now progressed to truly distributed computing .

  17. DB2Connect提供了一项连接集中(connectionconcentration)功能,将很多数据库连接分插(multiplexe)到数量少得多的一组大型机线程上,由这些线程处理从这些连接传进来的任务。

    DB2 Connect offers a connection concentration feature that multiplexes many database connections on a much smaller set of mainframe threads that handle the work coming from these connections .

  18. 然而传统的位置管理、空间位置信息服务系统(GIS)均是基于大型机/桌面机、宽带宽的应用环境;

    However the traditional location managing or spatial geography information system ( GIS ) are totally based on the mainframe / PC and wide bandwidth network environment .

  19. EIS包括数据库、企业资源计划系统和大型机事务处理系统。

    EISs include databases , enterprise resource planning systems , and mainframe transaction processing systems .

  20. 他从事UNIX系统已经超过15年,之前多年从事IBM大型机。

    He has been working on UNIX systems for more than 15 years and for many years before that on IBM mainframes .

  21. 由于当时标准的大型机SOAP栈还没有出现,大部分以大型机为中心的集成商不得不开发自己的SOAP栈。

    Because no native mainframe SOAP stacks existed at the time , most mainframe-centric integration vendors felt compelled to develop homemade SOAP stacks .

  22. 这可帮助将精力集中在专门为适应IBM大型机环境而设计的SOA实现工具、编程模型和技术。

    This guide concentrates on the tools , programming models , and techniques for SOA implementation that are especially adapted to the IBM mainframe environment .

  23. IBM大型机作为一种大型商用服务器系统,是目前企业级数据集中处理的主要平台。

    IBM Mainframe is one of the biggest commercial server systems which are used for data concentration processing of enterprise since the introduction in 1964 .

  24. 这些制品一旦部署到ESB,它们将把大型机的数据流转换成开放世界中的对象。

    Once deployed in that ESB , these artifacts will convert streams of mainframe data into open world objects .

  25. 真正的企业级容错(比如IBM大型机中的容错)是一门同时涵盖硬件与软件的复杂而又精细的科学。

    True enterprise-level fault tolerance , as evident in IBM mainframes , is a complex and detailed science covered by a combination of hardware and software .

  26. 在大型机一侧,我们假设COBOL是开发语言,WebSphereMQ是传输机制。

    On the mainframe side , we assume COBOL as the development language and WebSphere MQ as the transport mechanism .

  27. 解放大型机开发MIPS以满足生产能力需求。

    Free up mainframe development MIPS for production capacity .

  28. 可以使用IBMDB2AuditManagementExpert技术捕捉大型机数据库事务,通过Collector用具把它们集成为全企业范围的统一视图。

    IBM DB2 Audit Management Expert technology is used to capture mainframe database transactions and integrate them into a unified , enterprise-wide view via Collector appliances .

  29. 我们还继续了使用WebSphereExtendedDeployment提高资源利用率的讨论&这次的重点是其在大型机上的部署。

    And , we continue our discussion on improving your resource utilization with WebSphere Extended Deployment – this time focusing on its deployment on the mainframe . ( Podcast )

  30. 新的架构师质问该团队为什么不使用IBMMQSeries来访问大型机DB2表。

    The new architect challenges the team as to why it 's not using IBM MQSeries to access the mainframe DB2 tables .