
  • Graduate degree;Postgraduate Degrees;Post-Graduate
  1. 为此,他需要一个研究生学位,不是MBA或工程学学位,而是工程管理硕士(Mem)。

    For that , he needed a post-graduate degree , not an MBA , or an engineering degree , but a Masters in Engineering Management .

  2. Arpan拥有软件系统的研究生学位。

    Arpan holds a post-graduate degree in software systems .

  3. 教育层次还导致家长处罚子女的差异:具有研究生学位且声称经常打孩子屁股的父母占比为8%,而高中或高中以下学历的父母,经常这样做的比例达到22%。

    Discipline techniques vary by education level : 8 % of those with a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children , compared with 22 % of those with a high school degree or less .

  4. 我有物理学和计算机科学学士学位、计算机科学研究生学位,我丈夫有心理学学士学位。

    I have under graduate degrees in physics and computer science , and a graduate degree in computer science . My husband has an under graduate degree in philosophy .

  5. 英国华威商学院(warwickbusinessschool)自2004年以来就一直在开办公共财政与领导力的研究生学位。

    Warwick Business School in the UK has run a Postgraduate Diploma in public finance and leadership since 2004 .

  6. 大学毕业后,他赴美留学,先后获得了斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)工程与材料科学的研究生学位,沃顿商学院(WhartonSchool)MBA学位。

    He attended university in India before obtaining a graduate degree in engineering and materials science at Stanford .

  7. ET患者与正常人相比,2004届硕士研究生学位论文各基因型和等位基因分布频率均无显著性差异(外0.05)。

    There was no difference between ET patients and controls in allelic and genotypic distribution ( P0.05 ) .

  8. 我们不排除有MBA或任何其他研究生学位的候选人。

    We do not exclude candidates who have an MBA or any other graduate degree .

  9. 本文针对运用拍卖方式进行公共资产的分割的情况,分析了第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文成员拥有不同信息量情况下公共资产的分割。

    Common assets can be divided by auction , thus this dissertation analyzes such division when SC members acquire different amount of information about the assets .

  10. 约翰H丹尼尔斯在多伦多多伦多大学建筑,景观和设计学院也认可的本科和研究生学位。

    The John H.Daniels Faculty of Architecture , Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto in Toronto is also accredited for both undergraduate and graduate degrees .

  11. 结果表明:气体扩太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文散电极在较大的pH值范围内能够吸附空气气泡中的氧气而使之还原为氏02。

    The result of experiment indicated the gas diffusion electrode was able to absorb oxygen in the air , which was reduced into hydrogen peroxide in biggish pH value extension ;

  12. 我刚刚在斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)完成计算机科学研究生学位。带着软件开发的特长,我开始寻找工作。

    I had just finished a graduate degree in computer science at Stanford University , where I had specialized in software development . I was looking for a job .

  13. 肾素基因(ACAG)n串联重复顺序多态性:①在重庆地区汉族人群中重庆医科大学硕士研究生学位论文共发现5种等位基因。

    Renin gene ( ACAG ) n-STRP : Five alleles were discovered in Han population in Chongqing .

  14. 基于TPI的高校研究生学位论文数据库建设

    The Construction of University Postgraduate 's Academic Degree Dissertation Database Based on the TPI

  15. 翻译网关架设在网络边界路由器上,对不同协议域的交互信息进行协议转换,包括IP、太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文工CMP以及传输层与应用层。

    The translation gateways are placed on the border routers , and translate protocols between the different realms , including IP , ICMP , TCP and application layer .

  16. 同时她又有志于申请XXX学院的研究生学位。

    Meanwhile , she has long being aspiring to apply for the master program of the Academy of XXX .

  17. MPA教育是一项从西方尤其是美国借鉴而来的学位教育,已成为中国研究生学位教育体系的一员。

    Introduced from the West , the United States in particular , the MPA program has become a new member of the current graduate degree education system of China .

  18. 本文应用层次分析(AHP)方法与加权均分法,给出了硕士研究生学位论文及科研能力综合评估的数学模式。

    In this paper , with AHP and weighted average methods , we get the mathematical model of synthetic evaluation on masters ' degree papers of postgraduates and their scientific research ability .

  19. 结论PBSCT小鼠模型建立成功,有助于进一步深入进行天津医科大学硕士研究生学位论文PBSCT的相关基础研究。

    The establishment of this model will be beneficial to the relative basic research of PBSCT .

  20. 在独立同分布信道条件下对TCP和UDP协议性能就不同的回传时延(RTT)第H页西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文和最大拥塞控制窗口(呱ax)参数进行了比较研究。

    Next , performance of TCP and UDP over i.i. d is investigated for different round trip time ( RTT ) and maximum congestion control window ( Wmax ) .

  21. 结论:1.NGF、BDNF、NT-3能表达于硕士研究生学位论文慢性脑缺血大鼠皮质、海马中NGF、BDNF、NT-3的表达变化正常大鼠的皮质和海马,维持神经元的存活。

    Conclusion : 1 . NGF , BDNF , NT-3 can express in cortex and hippocampus of normal rats , and maintain neurons ' survival .

  22. 说明COI坐标比同步坐标更为合理,并指出可太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文作双机等值动能校正以进一步改善精度。

    Then explains COI coordinates is more reasonable than synchronism coordinates , using double-machine kinetic energy adjustment can amend accuracy .

  23. 作为研究生学位教育的一种,EMBA专业学位教育以其鲜明的特点在专业学位教育中独树一职。

    As one of the postgraduate degree education , EMBA professional degree education is unique , with its distinctive features in the professional degree education .

  24. 同时,对普通抗滑桩、预应力锚索抗滑桩和预应力锚索地梁等几种主要工程措施的设计计算方法进行了讨论,方便西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文第IV页工程部门在设计时参考。

    At the same time , the design and calculation methods of several major engineering measures such as common anti-slide pile , anti-slide pile with prestressed anchor cable and foundation beam with prestressed anchor cable , are discussed .

  25. 1988年通过“托福”和“GRE”考试,获攻读新墨西哥州大学体育管理系现代化专业硕士研究生学位资格。

    Began to study for a Master 's degree in the sports management department of the same university after passing the TOFEL and GRE tests in1988 .

  26. 经过两种低速率的宽带语音编码输出的广西大学硕士研究生学位论文合成语音,通过听力测试MOS可达到3.5左右,表明合成语音的质量达到预定的要求。

    The synthesize speech which is put out come by low bits rate wideband coding can reach MOS 3.5 by audition test . That indicate the quality of synthesize speech can achieve scheduled request .

  27. 斯特罗斯将在YCombinator的经历比作撰写一篇研究生学位论文,那是一段学习和活动都很紧张的时期,几乎没有正式的结构或课程。

    Stross compares Y Combinator to writing a graduate school dissertation , an intense period of study and activity with little formal structure or curriculum .

  28. 公司将为员工希望攻读的任何本科或研究生学位支付学费,不论攻读的学位与员工在UTC的工作是否相关。

    The company would pay for any college or graduate school degree any employee wanted to pursue , regardless of whether it had any connection to a UTC job .

  29. 本文建立的路面评价系统可以通过动态链接库对状态数据库进行访问,西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第Ij页对路面状态进行分析评价,必要时可以进行加铺层的设计。

    The evaluation program developed can communicate with pavement condition database system through DLL ( dynamic link library ), perform evaluation of pavement conditions , and conduct overlay when necessary .

  30. 总之,二种HTLcS催化剂太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文均表现出了较高的催化活性和高选择性。

    They both had higher catalytic activity and selectivity . The catalytic activity and selectivity of different catalyst has been studied extensively .