
  • 网络Research University;research-oriented university;private research university
  1. 基于4P模式构建研究型大学博士生教育体系

    On the Base of 4P Model to Construct Doctorate Education System of Research University

  2. 并运用spss统计分析工具针对湖南省某所教学研究型大学教师的教学、科研能力的评测数据进行实证分析。

    Then employing SPSS analysis software to do an empirical analysis based on the sample from a teaching and research university in Hunan province .

  3. 位于福布斯顶尖大学排行榜第466位,研究型大学排行榜第183位,南部大学排行榜第,108位,我不能说这所大学是我的首选。

    Rated No.466 overall on Forbes ' Lists Top Colleges , No. 183 in Research Universities , and No. 108 in the South , I can 't say it was my top choice .

  4. 那些不在大型公司、大型国防实验室、研究型大学的普通人也可以进行制造。

    Making is available to ordinary people who aren 't tied to big companies , big defense labs or research universities .

  5. 也许会。好吧,所以猫也许不会成为美国最重要的研究型大学的物理学教员。

    Maybe . Okay , so cats may not be the next physics faculty members at America 's most important research universities .

  6. Lab为开发环境建立。研究型大学实验技术队伍建设探析

    Exploration on construction of lab technician team in researching university

  7. 研究型大学探索:PHA教育模式的理念与实践

    Exploration on University of Research Type : Concept and Practice of PHA Education Type

  8. GrahamSpanier领导这所公立研究型大学已有16年时间。

    Graham Spanier led Penn State , a public research university , for sixteen years .

  9. 新公司将被命名为新华三(H3C),其旗下资产还将包括清华大学这家著名中国研究型大学注入的高科技资产。

    The new company will be called HC3 and also include technology assets from the prestigious Chinese research university .

  10. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  11. 研究型大学创新团队领导问题探析

    Study on the Leadership of Innovative Research Team in Research Universities

  12. 要么发表要么出局,研究型大学内部的潜规则?

    Publish-or-Perish : Is It an Unwritten Rule at Research Universities ?

  13. 我国研究型大学基层学术管理研究

    Research on Bottom-Level Academic Management of Research University in Our Country

  14. 基金会:影响美国研究型大学管理的重要力量

    The Influence of Foundations on the Management of American Research Universities

  15. 我国研究型大学图书馆信息共享空间实证研究高校图书馆大型电子阅览室危机管理剖析

    Dissection of Large-scale Electronic Reading Room Crisis Management in University Libraries

  16. 研究型大学学科发展战略选择的生态位策略研究

    A Niche-Strategy Study on Selection of Subject-Development Strategy of Research-Oriented University

  17. 研究型大学图书馆员综合素质培养研究

    Training on Synthesis Stuff of Clerk at Library for Research-oriented University

  18. 研究型大学学术管理体制与运行机制研究

    Study on the Academic Management and Operation System of Research University

  19. 创新教育在健美操教学中的实验研究构建研究型大学实验教学创新平台的探索与实践

    Analysis on Constructing the Creative Platform for Research-Oriented University Experimental Teaching

  20. 当前美国研究型大学通识教育课程研究

    A Study on Current American Research Universities ' General Education Curriculum

  21. 论我国研究型大学社会服务职能的践履

    On the Practice of Social Service Function of Chinese Research Universities

  22. 中国研究型大学人才结构综合评价研究

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Talent Structure in China 's Research Universities

  23. 中美研究型大学研究生培养模式之比较

    A Comparative Study of Graduate Educational Mode of the Sino-American Universities

  24. 基于建设研究型大学的基层学术组织改革的思考

    On Reforming the Basic Academic Organizations of Research-oriented Universities in China

  25. 试论教学研究型大学的办学理念

    On the Educational Idea of a Teaching and Research Oriented University

  26. 我国研究型大学本科教育的理念与构建

    The Ideas and Construction of Undergraduate Education in Research University of China

  27. 试论研究型大学人才集聚软环境

    On the Soft Environment of Gathering Talents in Disquisitive University

  28. 美国研究型大学案例研究&约翰斯·霍普金斯大学

    A Case Study of American Research University & The Johns Hopkins University

  29. 教学研究型大学的建设要求探讨

    Research on the requirements the development for of teaching and research universities

  30. 试论研究型大学建设中的制度支持

    On the System Support in the Construction of Research-oriented Universities