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bēi zi
  • cup;glass;mug;tumbler
杯子 [bēi zi]
  • [cup] 盛饮料或其他液体的器具,多为圆柱状或下部略细,一般容积不大

杯子[bēi zi]
  1. 杯子放在椅子边上。

    The cup was poised on the edge of the chair .

  2. 当心那个杯子,你这笨手笨脚的家伙!

    Mind that cup , you clumsy oaf !

  3. 他把杯子放在椅子的扶手上,随时可能摔下。

    He balanced the glass precariously on the arm of his chair .

  4. 杯子倒了,热咖啡溅得到处都是。

    The mug tipped over , spilling hot coffee everywhere .

  5. 他倒掉烟灰缸里的灰,洗完杯子就上床睡觉了。

    He emptied the ashtrays , washed the glasses and went to bed .

  6. 她喝了一口饮料,然后放下杯子。

    She took a drink from the glass and then put it down .

  7. 他摇了摇杯子里的果汁。

    He swilled the juice around in his glass .

  8. 她啧地从杯子里喝了一口。

    She took a slurp from her mug .

  9. 她一激动把杯子摔了。

    In her excitement she dropped her glass .

  10. 他把我的杯子斟得满满的。

    He filled my glass to the top .

  11. 她把杯子在膝盖上放稳。

    She balanced the cup on her knee .

  12. 要是把我的杯子跟她的换了,你认为她看得出来吗?

    Do you think she 'll notice if I switch my glass with hers ?

  13. 他放下杯子时,啤酒撒到了桌子上。

    As he put the glass down the beer slopped over onto the table .

  14. 她用清水涮了杯子。

    She swilled the glasses with clean water .

  15. 这杯子有一道裂痕。

    This cup has a crack in it .

  16. 使用前将杯子冲洗一下。

    Rinse the cup out before use .

  17. 她端着杯子,啧啧作响地喝着。

    She slurped noisily from her cup .

  18. 她把杯子推向我这边。

    She pushed the cup towards me .

  19. 我把杯子冲洗了一下。

    I gave the glass a rinse .

  20. 她的杯子把茶碟碰得叮当响。

    Her cup clattered in the saucer .

  21. 地板上到处都是乱七八糟的报纸、衣服和空杯子。

    The floor was covered with a litter of newspapers , clothes and empty cups .

  22. 她哗哗地把咖啡倒进杯子里。

    She sloshed coffee into the mugs .

  23. 请把这个杯子给我倒满。

    Please fill this glass for me .

  24. 这些杯子没有能配对儿的。

    None of these glasses match .

  25. 她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧上了电水壶。

    She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle

  26. 把它拿开,我们好放杯子。

    Clear it away so we can put our mugs down .

  27. 他一仰脖喝完苏格兰威士忌,砰的一声把杯子放下。

    He polished off his scotch and slammed the glass down .

  28. 他端起杯子,吹走了热气。

    He picked up his mug and blew off the steam .

  29. 杯子被倒满时米芝敷衍性地点头示意。

    Mitzi nodded a perfunctory acknowledgement as her glass was filled .

  30. 两三只杯子掉了下来,摔得粉碎。

    Two or three glasses fell off and smashed into pieces .