
  • 网络Xiao Hong;Falling Flowers
  1. 萧红:民族与女性之间的大智勇者?

    XIAO Hong : a Wise Brave between Nation and Women ?

  2. 萧红早期小说中的女体书写与隐喻

    Female Body Writing and Metaphor in Xiao Hong 's Early Fictions

  3. 萧红悲剧人生与婚姻探微

    Probe into Xiao Hong 's Tragedy Life and Unhappy Marriage Inquiring

  4. 论女性文学视野中的萧红与林白的创作

    Linking Xiao Hong and Lin Bai from a Female Angle of View

  5. 萧红小说的感伤生成有着种种复杂的原因。

    Xiao Hong sentimental novel has generated a variety of complex reasons .

  6. 萧红小说中的文化冲突与整合

    The Theory of Cultural Conflict and Consciousness of Novels by Xiao Hong

  7. 萧红小说情节结构模式新论

    On the Recognition of Xiao Hong 's Novels ' Plot 's Structure

  8. 寂寞情结与萧红的生活和创作

    " Lonesome complex " and the life and creation of Xiao Hong

  9. 分别作为赛珍珠和萧红的杰作,这两部小说在国内外受到了广泛关注。

    As masterpieces , they have been highly concerned home and abroad .

  10. 萧红小说抒情手法浅探

    Probing into the Lyric Techniques of Xiao Hong 's Novels

  11. 现实生活与虚构叙事的错位和重叠&庐隐、丁玲、萧红的生活与写作兼评

    On the Dislocation and Repetition between Real Life and Fiction

  12. 萧红小说与五四文学传统

    Xiao Hong 's Novels and the Literary Tradition of the May 4th Movement

  13. 抒情的与传奇的&萧红张爱玲小说文体片论

    Lyricism and Legend & adout Xiao Hong and zhang Ailing 's novel stylistics

  14. 萧红的小说创作:一个独特的世界

    The fictional creation of Xiaohong ; A unique world

  15. 心理小说的实验家:萧红与伍尔夫

    Experimenters of Psychological Fiction : Xiao Hong and Woolf

  16. 萧红小说的语言艺术体现了她作为一名作家的语言智慧。

    The language art of Xiao hong 's novels embody her lingual wisdom .

  17. 萧红通过情绪结构将文本整合成具有统一抒情品质的有机体。

    Xiao Hong made her texts lyrics entirety by the structure of emotion .

  18. 旷野的呼唤&萧红作品中对于人的异化主题的现代观照

    The Modern Observation of the Alienation of the Characters in Xiao Hong 's Works

  19. 萧红小说的美学思想

    On the aesthetic thought in Xiao-Hong 's novels

  20. 萧红是现代文坛上一位充满传奇色彩的女性作家。

    Xiao Hong is in the modern literary arena a legendary color feminine writer .

  21. 萧红:门外的世界与窗里的人生

    Xiao Hong : The World Outside the Door and the Life Inside the Window

  22. 萧红小说的悲剧美

    The Tragic Beauty of Xiao Hong 's Novel

  23. 萧红作品中的女权思想

    The Feminism Thoughts in Xiao Hong 's Works

  24. 萧红眼中的鲁迅&一个同时代人对一个伟人的真实记录

    LU Xun in the Eye of Xiao Hong & the Portrayal About a Great Man

  25. 从《呼兰河传》看萧红作品对温暖人生的向往

    Xiao Hong 's works ' pursuit of warmth of life as viewed from Hulan River

  26. 置身于萧红小说的情境中,我们就会在一种总体的悲剧性氛围中获得对于存在荒诞性的理解。

    In her novels , we can get the understanding of the absurdity from the tragedy .

  27. 丁玲、萧红、张爱玲三位女作家命途坎坷,都与其所处的时代环境密切相关。

    Ding ling , Xiao hong and Eileen Chang were closely related with its era environment .

  28. “艺术的心意”使萧红对自己的作品持有特殊的审美要求,正是如此,萧红抓住了“荒凉”。

    Xiao Hongs artistic mind works correspondingly an especial atmosphere , which makes desolation statuesque scenery .

  29. 而研究方法的多样性与丰硕的研究成果,无不显示出萧红文本的意义。

    Both the diversity of study and the plentiful study fruit show the worthiness of Xiao Hong .

  30. 第二章:论述萧红在小说创作中的女性意识主题实践。

    The second chapter : Xiao Hong in the female consciousness in the novel creation practice topic .