
  1. 萧乾后期的小说逐渐走出个人狭小的圈子,加强了批判社会的力度,投入了广大的人生。

    In the later novel , he strengthen gradually society criticism .

  2. 从关联理论的角度探讨萧乾自译作品中的文化缺省现象

    A Relevance-theoretic Study of the Cultural Default in Xiao Qian 's Self-translated Works

  3. 第一,分析萧乾报告文学的情感力量。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the emotional strength .

  4. 萧乾小说的诗性与基督教文化

    The Relationship between the Poetic Nature in Xiao Qian 's Novels and Christian Culture

  5. 这些使萧乾的小说创作在整体上形成了细丽清婉、冷静含蓄的艺术风格。

    These have formed the artistic style of graceful and restrained in his creation .

  6. 萧乾的理想文学殿堂由文学理论与文学实践两部分组成。

    His ideal literary hall is composed of two parts , literary theory and literary practice .

  7. 萧乾小说的双重叙事构成其小说叙事的抒情性。

    The double relation in the novels by Xiao Qian is made up of the lyrics .

  8. 萧乾是我国著名的作家、翻译家、新闻记者。

    Xiao Qian was a famous writer , translator and journalist in the history of China .

  9. 1931年,萧乾主编《中国简报》共8期。

    In 1931 , Xiao Qian edited China In Brief , which had 8 publications altogether .

  10. 萧乾作为《大公报·文艺》副刊的主编,对于刊物本身而言意义重大。

    Xiao Qian as " Da Gong Bao · Literature " supplements editor for the publication itself significant .

  11. 首先是从文学流派的角度来研究萧乾与京派的关系问题。

    The first is from the perspective of literary genres to study the relationship between Xiao and Beijing School .

  12. 通过他在四十年的一些杂文及社评,肯定了萧乾为一名自由主义知识分子。

    Through some of his essays and editorials in the 1940s , Xiao Qian was affirmed as a liberal intellectual .

  13. 事实上,得益于小说创作的丰富经验,萧乾的新闻特写创作更具开拓意义。

    In fact , thanks to the extensive experience of the novels , Xiao Qian News Feature creation of more ground-breaking .

  14. 萧乾小说在追求艺术美的过程中,形成同《圣经》质朴、简练的叙事风格非常相似的审美风格。

    Xiao Qian forms the simple type of aesthetics the same as in the Bible in the pursuit of beauty of art .

  15. 萧乾在中国现代文学史上是一位创作个性鲜明,创作风格独特的作家。

    Xiao Qian is a writer characterized by his unique writing style and vivid individuality of characters in modern Chinese literary history .

  16. 正是由于对此体裁新闻的熟练运用,萧乾奠定了其新闻史上名记者的地位。

    It is precisely because of skilled use of this genre news ; Xiao Qian established the position in the status of famous journalists .

  17. 萧乾是中国现当代文坛著名作家、翻译家和享誉新闻界的记者。

    In Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literary , Xiao Qian is a famous writer and translators , he also is a Renowned press reporter .

  18. 萧乾《人生采访》经典性研究&兼论新闻经典研究价值与判断标准

    Study on Xiao Qian 's Classic News Works Life Interview & Also on the Value and the Criteria for Judgment of the Classic News Works

  19. 萧乾小说独特的人性视角和善恶并存的生命意识,给小说带来了既忧郁又悲壮的诗化情调。

    The unique angle of view and the consciousness of life in Xiao Qian 's novels give his novels a poetic sentiment with melancholy and solemn .

  20. 萧乾坎坷的人生经历在中国现代作家中具有很强的代表性,对其思想道路发展的深入挖掘是一个研究方向。

    Xiao Qian rough life experience in modern Chinese writer has strong representation from the development of his thought road dig is also a Research directions .

  21. “龙须”&萧乾先生创造的这个词,以其玲珑的意象把水墨的技艺和神髓完美的表达了出来。

    " Dragon 's whiskers " & Xiao Qian created this word , using its delicate imagery to express the essence and beauty of Chinese ink painting .

  22. 艺术上的抒情写意,创作审美的心理距离的运用,书写的情感节制,让萧乾的小说叙写上冷静客观;

    Lyrics in the art , the psychology distance of create aesthetic , the feelings of writing are controlled and objective , it make his novel write sober ;

  23. 第二章,则分析萧乾在小说和特写中死亡描写的历史意蕴,他的死亡意识带有明显的时代色彩。

    Chapter III , the analysis of Xiao Qian died in fiction and feature description Historical Implications of the consciousness of his death with the era of color .

  24. 在抒情方式的诗意上,萧乾小说从文学观到抒情方式上,都同基督教文化有着一定的联系。

    In the poetic ways of expressing feelings , Xiao Qian 's works has much relation with Christian cultures , in literature concepts and ways of expressing feelings .

  25. 三是论文初步提炼了萧乾新闻特写所包含的新闻思想,进一步拓展了萧乾新闻特写的思想与文学价值。

    Third , the paper initially refined thinking of Xiao Qian news features include news , and further expand the value of the idea of Xiao Qian News Feature .

  26. 萧乾,中国近代新闻史上著名的记者之一,1926年接触新闻工作到1953年从《大公报》调任中国文史馆馆长,从事新闻工作长达27年。

    Xiao Qian , one of the famous news reporter in Chinese modern history , contact journalism in 1926 to 1953 , engaged in it as long as 27 years .

  27. 萧乾小说在反基督教的表层叙事结构下隐含着从伦理价值建构方面向基督教文化寻求文化资源的价值取向。

    Under the surface narrative structure of anti-Christianity , Xiao Qian 's novels couch the writer 's value orientation from the theoretical value formation to pursuing cultural resources to Christian culture .

  28. 萧乾以其编辑家特有的才能和人格魅力,朝气蓬勃地活跃于20世纪三四十年代的文艺界与新闻界,为发展中国现代文学事业与新闻事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Xiao Qian actively took part in literary-artistic and journalistic world in 1930s and 40s with his own unique talent and charisma and made indelible contributions to Chinese modern literature and journalism .

  29. 再次,因萧乾将文学意识和文学语言与报告文学进行结合,使得报告文学成为语言的艺术,所以研究萧乾的报告文学也是一大主要方向。

    Again , because of the literary consciousness of the Xiao Qian and literary language reportage combination of reportage as " language arts " so research report literature Xiao Qian is also one of the main direction .

  30. 也正由于历史给萧乾带上的种种枷锁,此后的他经历了独立人格的丧失与重建,经历了从沉默到复出,从一言不发到重建自己的文学世界的艰难历程。

    Also just because the history brought him some chains , he experienced a personal loss of independence and reconstruction , experienced from silence to go back , from does not say a word to reconstructs his own literature world .