
hánɡ zhōu dà xué
  • Hangzhou University
  1. 王坚博士于1990毕业于杭州大学心理学系,并获工学博士学位。

    He graduated from the psychology department of Hangzhou University in1990 and has a Ph.D.degree in engineering .

  2. 本研究采用杭州大学心理学系和杭州大学儿童发育和智能发展研究中心共同制作的儿童社会适应行为评定量表手册中的问卷。

    This research uses the survey in ' Child Social Adaptive Behavior Scale ' made by Hangzhou University department of Psychology .

  3. 杭州大学毕业生人才公寓设计初探

    Preliminary Study of Hangzhou Undergraduates Apartment Design

  4. 例如,杭州大学新闻专业的张怡(音译),19岁,选修了一门品酒课程。

    Zhang Yi , a 19-year-old journalism major at Yangzhou University , takes a wine-tasting class .

  5. 今年,他参加高考,并以合格的成绩被杭州大学录取。

    This year he took part in the university entrance examination ; and , having an eligible score , he was admitted by Hangzhou university .

  6. 1978年,刘为考取杭州大学。后来又取得了南京大学历史学博士学位。而后,到国外继续深造。

    He attended Hangzhou University in1978 , the received a doctorate in history from Nanjing university , and later went abroad to continue his research work .

  7. 他的办公室位于浙江省杭州市大学象山校区。

    His office is located at the Xiangshan campus of the university in Hangzhou , Zhejiang Province .

  8. 在校大学生预防甲型H1N1流感知信行调查分析&以杭州师范大学为例

    Investigation and analysis on the KAP of college students of preventing the Influenza A / H1N1

  9. 杭州师范大学附属医院防治甲型H1N1流感策略

    Prevention and treatment strategy for influenza A / H1N1 of the affiliated hospital of Hangzhou Normal University

  10. 杭州城市大学园区空间布局研究

    Research on the Spatial Distribution of the University Park in Hangzhou City

  11. 21岁的沈佳伟(音译)是来自杭州师范大学初等教育专业的一名学生。

    Social cost Shen Jiawei , 21 , is a primary education major at Hangzhou Normal University .

  12. 第三章至第五章重点展开杭州城市大学园区的空间布局进行研究。

    From the third chapter to the fifth chapter , the spatial distribution of university park be discussed .

  13. 校园规划应考虑的两个影响因素&以杭州市大学校园为例

    The Two Factors that must be Considered by Campus Planning & Example of Campuses in the City of Hangzhou

  14. 据警方称,肇事司机是杭州师范大学体育系的一名20岁的胡姓年轻人。

    According to the police , the driver was a20-year-old man named Hu and he is presently a sports major at the Hangzhou Normal University .

  15. 第三章主要论述了杭州城市大学园区空间结构的发展演变及其现状空间布局特征,分别探讨了杭州城市大学园区的实体空间、空间组织机制、空间发展三个方面的变化和特征。

    The third chapter discusses the character of its spatial structure based on evolvement of spatial substantiality , organizing mechanism and development of Hangzhou university park .

  16. 抓住机遇的失败者经历了两次高考落榜后,马云终于在第三次勉强考进杭州师范大学学习英语。

    Ma failed his college entrance exams twice . He managed to enroll in Hangzhou Normal University on his third attempt , where he studied English .

  17. 非英语专业的大学英语教学向来重视学生听说能力的训练,而忽视了对学生翻译能力的培养,杭州师范大学也不例外,在教学中很少强调培养学生翻译技能的重要性。

    In College English teaching attention has been paid as always to the non-English majors ' listening and speaking abilities , for the neglect of the development of their translation competence . The Hangzhou Normal University ( HZNU ) is not an exception .

  18. 本人是杭州电子科技大学本科生。

    I was an undergraduate of Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology .

  19. 现代远程教育中的教育生态:基于杭州广播电视大学实践的探讨

    Ecology in Modern Distance Education : A Case of Hangzhou Radio and TV University

  20. 今年三月,杭州市著名大学浙江大学紫金港校区引领潮流,安装了自动售货机。

    The Zijingang Campus of the prestigious Zhejiang University in Hangzhou took the lead by installing a machine in March .

  21. 当听到了这个好消息,张奶奶便住进了位于杭州的浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院,准备生产。

    Upon hearing the good news , Zhang went to the Women 's Hospital of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou to prepare for her labour .

  22. 位于杭州的浙江大学的沈志成及其同事改良了一种水稻品种,可以让人们用一种普通除草剂除掉非转基因农田里不慎混入的转基因作物。

    Shen Zhicheng and colleagues from Hangzhou-based Zhejiang University modified a strain of rice to be susceptible to a common herbicide used to kill unwanted GM plants in non-GM fields .

  23. 杭州广播电视大学作为首批试点单位之一,通过近6年的有益探索和实践,现已形成了1357人才培养模式。

    Hangzhou Radio TV University is one of the first pilot units . Through nearly six-year beneficial exploration and practice , it has formed a mode of cultivating talented people marked by ″ 1357 ″ .

  24. 方法随机抽样调查了杭州市老年大学学员的体质指数、年主要食物摄入量、营养相关疾病患病率及对营养与膳食知识的了解与需求程度。

    Methods 127 elderly people were randomly sampled as subjects , and questionnaires were used to acquire information about body mass index ( BMI ), yearly consumption of main foods , prevalence rates of nutrition-related diseases , and awareness and requirements of nutrition knowledge .

  25. 本研究主要以杭州电子科技大学2002级5719名学生2003年12月大学英语全国四级统考的成绩为分析指标,采用定量分析的方法,考察性别差异对二语习得能力的影响。

    The research , based on the analysis of the grade of CET ( Band 4 , 2004 ) in which 5719 students in Hangzhou University of Electronics & Science are participants , is to explore the effect of gender ( sex ) on SLA ( second language acquisition ) .