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  • 【地名】【中国】Hangjiahu Plain
  1. 基于GIS杭嘉湖平原土壤氟的质量评价

    Quality Evaluation of Soil Fluorine on Hangjiahu Plain Based on GIS

  2. 以杭嘉湖平原13个地区的耕层土壤(0~20cm)中氟元素为研究对象,利用地统计与GIS技术相结合的方法研究了该地区土壤中氟的空间分布特征。

    Using the fluorine element in the plough layer soil ( 0 ~ 20cm ) of 13 areas of Hang-Jia-Hu Plain as studied object , the spacial distribution character of fluorine in soil of these areas was revealed , utilizing combined method of geostatistical and GIS technique .

  3. 以杭嘉湖平原为样区,利用普通克立格法和序贯高斯模拟方法对土壤Cu的空间分布进行估值和模拟,并利用序贯指示模拟进行不确定性评价。

    Ordinary kriging and sequential Gaussian simulation ( SGS ) were used to estimate and simulate spatial distribution of heavy metal Cu in paddy soil in Hang-Jiang-Hu plain , and sequential indicator simulation ( SIS ) was used to assess the probability of Cu content exceeding the predefined threshold .

  4. 杭嘉湖平原第四纪地层高精度对比方法研究

    High-resolution stratigraphic correlation method of the Quaternary in the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plain

  5. 浙江杭嘉湖平原油菜生长的土壤地球化学研究

    Soil geochemistry of oilseed rape growth in the Hangjiahu plain , Zhejiang Province

  6. 浙江省杭嘉湖平原地面沉降及监测网络研究

    Study on land subsidence and monitoring network in Hangjiahu Plain of Zhejiang Province

  7. 杭嘉湖平原水网地区低扬程泵站节能技术研究

    Study on Saving-energy Measures of Pump In Hang-Jia-Hu Plain

  8. 杭嘉湖平原南部浅层地下水中铁锰的成因研究

    Genesis study of iron and manganese in shallow groundwater in the south of Hangjiahu Plain

  9. 低扬程水泵选型新方法杭嘉湖平原水网地区低扬程泵站节能技术研究

    A New Method for Low-Lift Water Pump Selection Study on Saving-energy Measures of Pump In Hang-Jia-Hu Plain

  10. 桐乡其乐针织制衣有限公司,坐落于杭嘉湖平原之中心-桐乡。

    Tong Xiang Colax Knitting Garment Manufacturing Co. , Ltd locates at Tong Xiang City which is the center of Hang-Jia-Hu Plain .

  11. 海盐升腾五金标准件厂成立于2004年,位于浙江省杭嘉湖平原地区,海盐县武原镇建新村5组。

    Haiyan Shengteng Hardware Typical Spare Factory was founded in2004.The factory locates in No.5 Jianxing country Wuyuan town Haiyan city , Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhong Plain .

  12. 湖州地处太湖之滨,杭嘉湖平原腹地,是一个水体旅游资源十分丰富的地区。

    Located on the south bank of the Tai Lake and in the hinterland of the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou plain , Huzhou is rich in aquatic tourism .

  13. 地处杭嘉湖平原的嘉兴地区水域景观种类繁多,体系完整,其中以水田景观(即圩田)为主体形态。

    Jia Xing district which is located in Hang-Jia-Hu Plain sees systematic and various waterscapes and waterside landscapes , among them paddy field occupies the greatest proportion .

  14. 从太湖典型年水量平衡分析试探太湖整治公司地处杭嘉湖平原的江南水乡古镇&菱湖镇。

    THE EXPLORATION OF THE REGULATION OF LAKE TAI FROM ANALYZING WATER BALANCE OF TYPICAL YEARS Our company is located in Linghu town , Hangjiahu Plain in Zhejiang Province .

  15. 钱塘江北岸海塘是保护杭嘉湖平原乃至苏南、淞沪地区防御台风暴潮侵袭的重要屏障。

    The seawall in north bank of Qiantang River is an important protective shield to defense the attacks of storm surges due to typhoons in Hangjiahu Plain , southern Jiang Su and Shang Hai .

  16. 杭嘉湖平原作为浙江省重要的粮食生产基地,其土壤养分的状况不仅与该区农业非点源污染等环境问题有关,更与水稻产量与质量息息相关。

    With the rapid development of agriculture in Zhejiang province , the management of soil nutrients in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou ( HJH ) water-net plain is directly connected with the crop yield and agricultural non-point source pollution .

  17. 杭嘉湖平原土壤养分时空分布图结果进一步解释了有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾在近20年间的变化格局,为以后的农业管理提供了科学依据。

    The spatial and temporal distribution maps of SOM , TN , AP and AK further explained the patterns of their change during the past 20 years , which lay the foundation of agricultural management in the future .

  18. 桐乡市丝博蚕丝被服厂位于蚕桑资源极其丰富杭嘉湖平原,历来都是丝棉被的传统加工基地。

    The well-informed natural silk bedding and clothing factory of Paulownia country Si is located the silkworm breeding resources and enriches the Hang Jiahu plain the most most , and always all is a traditional process base of bedquilt .

  19. 糯玉米(亦称中国糯玉米或蜡质玉米)原产我国,主要分布在中国长江上游的滇、黔、川、桂山地及下游的沪与杭嘉湖平原地区。

    Waxy corn , also called Chinese glutinous corn , was originally produced in China and mainly distributed in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in China including Yunnan , Guizhou , Sichuan , Guangxi and the plain regions of the lower reaches including Shanghai , Hangzhou and Huzhou .

  20. 杭嘉湖东部平原工程地质分区特性

    Engineering Geologic Characteristics of Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Eastern Plain