
ɡuān chá lì
  • Observation power;discernment
观察力 [guān chá lì]
  • [eye;visual awareness] 物质上或思想上的观察能力

  • 对事物本质的深刻观察力

  1. 她的观察力很敏锐。

    She has good powers of observation .

  2. 他对科学的追求已使他成为一个观察力敏锐的人。

    His scientific pursuits had made him a very observant man .

  3. 她是一个观察力敏锐的学生。

    She is a student of keen observation .

  4. 哈沃德大学科学家杰罗姆·卡根最近正在研究10个月大的孩子的观察力。

    A recent study by Jerome Kagan , a scientist at Harward University is studying the watching ability of children 10 months old .

  5. 方法以力竭游泳为运动模型,观察力竭游泳后大鼠红细胞膜唾液酸、磷脂、胆固醇、胆固醇/磷脂、巯基数目及MDA含量的变化。

    Method The components of rat erythrocyte membrane like sialic acid , phospholipid cholesterol , ratio of cholesterol / phospholipid ,- SH and MDA were measured after exhaustive swimming .

  6. 观察力竭游泳后即刻、24h和48h大鼠大脑微循环超微结构的动态变化,并测定大鼠大脑组织MDA含量、SOD和GSH-px的活性。

    This research is designed to detect the dynamic changes of microcirculatory ultrastructure and the MDA content , SOD and GSH-px activity in rat cerebrum immediately , 24h and 48h after exhaustive swimming .

  7. 温迪:(讽刺地)您观察力真敏锐!

    Wendy : ( Sarcastically ) How observant of you !

  8. 一些人把这个现象当成是女性的观察力。

    Some might refer to this phenomenon as female observation .

  9. 观察力是智力发展的重要手段。

    The training of observational ability is an important means .

  10. 会让你的家人、朋友,欣赏他的超强观察力。

    He will let your families , friends appreciate his superb insight .

  11. 看来我低估了你对局势的观察力。

    It seems I underestimated your awareness of the situation .

  12. 可见,古人有着多么敏锐的观察力啊。

    It is clear that ancient people had acute observation .

  13. 智力出众、观察力极其敏锐的人们。

    People of extraordinary intelligence and with very keen powers of observation .

  14. 富敏锐观察力,诚实,有良好的团队精神。

    Alert and observant , honest , team work spirit .

  15. 如果没有注意,感知就不会产生强烈观察力。

    If has not noticed , esthesia would not produce strong outsight .

  16. 他有敏锐的观察力。

    He was endowed with the power of acute observation .

  17. 好观察力雪莉我是斑比

    Yes , good observation Shirley . I 'm Boby .

  18. 我不是迷上他了就是观察力强

    I 'm not obsessed with him . Just very observant

  19. 26那些学习国际新闻课程的学生通常会拥有更加敏锐的观察力。

    Students studying international news often have keen insight .

  20. 这项研究同时对自拍迷以及非自拍爱好者进行了观察力的调查。

    The research looked at the perceptions of both selfie and non-selfie takers .

  21. 他是个观察力极差的人。

    He is a man of little observation .

  22. 首先,不要让感情因素影响到你的观察力。

    First of all , don t let your emotions interfere with your vision .

  23. 我在某些方面观察力确实很强就像福尔摩斯在某些方面没有眼力见一样

    I am observant in some ways just as Holmes is quite blind in others

  24. 他并不是一个观察力特别敏锐的人。

    He was not an especially observant man .

  25. 观察力却能够看透广阔的空间。

    Observation was enabled to compass its vastness .

  26. 从几个方面论述了观察力在健美操教学中的重要性。

    This article describes the importance of observing in gymnastic teaching from some aspects .

  27. 中学生观察力的培养与中学化学实验教学

    Cultivating the Middle School Students ' Ability of Observation and Teaching in Chemical Experiment

  28. 游戏说明:小破孩小丫要考验你的观察力,灵敏度。

    Popular TV Hostess : small break Hasbro games to test your observation , sensitivity .

  29. 她有着非凡的观察力。

    She has remarkable powers of observation .

  30. 你的观察力很敏锐,卡西。

    You 're very observant , cathy .