
  • chastity belt
  1. 就是她告诉我肯特郡女公爵和巧克力贞操带的故事。

    The one who told me about the chocolate chastity belt .

  2. 目前在西方国家,贞操带在小范围内有所流行。

    Chastity belt is popular in small scope in present western countries .

  3. 令人惊异的是,西方国家3/4是男性在佩戴贞操带,与古代主要是女性佩戴贞操带的状况有很大的不同。

    However , among people who wear it3 / 4 are men , which is quite different from the ancient time when women took the major part .

  4. 现在西方(也部分包括东方的一些国家)有限流行的贞操带,虽然其历史可以直接追溯到14世纪的欧洲,但是其指导观念和功能性质,已经完全不同于那个时期。

    Though the history of the Chastity belt , which is fashionable in a limited sense in the West ( some eastern countries partly included ), can be traced back to 14th century Europe , its guiding concept and functional character have changed completely .

  5. 这个时期李昂又创作了带贞操带的魔鬼系列,对性与政治交互的问题及政治光环下女性的悲惨命运进行了描写,思考了女性在社会权力中的边缘位置与主体性的缺失。

    This time Leon has created a " chastity belt with the devil " on the issue of sexual and political interaction and political aura of the tragic fate of women under the description , thinking of women in the marginal position of social power and the lack of subjectivity .

  6. 一般来说,男性贞操装置,吊笼或管可根据衣物不太明显比佛罗伦萨风格的皮带,但也有一些喜欢说感觉安全的贞操带可以提供。

    In general the male chastity device , cage or tube can be less obvious under clothing than a Florentine style belt , although some prefer the added sensation of security a chastity belt can give .