
dé zǐ
  • get a son
  1. 他得子的喜悦难以形容。

    His joy at the birth of a son beggared description .

  2. 富人发财,穷人得子。

    The rich get richer and the poor get babies .

  3. 那位老人在七十岁时得子做了父亲。

    The old man has sired a boy child at the age of seventy .

  4. 亲戚朋友们都来恭贺他们得子之喜。

    Relatives and friends all came to congratulated them on the arrival of the baby .

  5. 求育得子是先秦时期诸多习俗活动的核心内容。

    Reproduction is always the core of the conventional activities during Xian-Qin Period in Ancient China .

  6. 《印度时报》报道,印度一位94岁的老人宣称他成为该国最高龄得子的人。

    A94-year-old Indian man claims he has become the country 's oldest father , the Times of India reports .

  7. 南非总统雅各布·祖玛就与某女子未婚得子事件向公众致歉。

    South African President Jacob Zuma has apologised for fathering a child with a woman who was not his wife .

  8. 年轻得子,目睹孩子们一天天长大,那是我一生中最美好的时光。

    When I was a young father , watching my children grow up , that was the best time of my life .

  9. 《诗经》婚恋诗中的众多兴象表现了先民希求得子、多子的强烈愿望和久盛不衰的祈子习俗。

    In the poems on love and marriage in The Songs there appear a great variety of images reflecting people 's strong wish of bearing more children .

  10. 回家正抱着儿子,忽然来了一位使者,使者道:“大王闻你家得子,令我送来鲤鱼,以示祝贺。”

    When he was dandling his son , an emissary came to say ," The King let me give you a present of carps to congratulate on your son 's birth . "

  11. 以为在这个名字内,一边要祝福孩子,一边要包含他底老而得子底蕴义,所以竟不容易找。

    It was a difficult problem to solve because he wanted a name which should be auspicious for the baby and would imply at the same time that he was born to him in old age .

  12. 对于双射电子源类星体,根据两子源射电流量之比以及射电光度演化规律等,可以推得子源相对于光学母体的分离速度。

    For QSO with double radio components , the separation velocity of radio com - ponents with respect to the optical parent body can be derived from the radio flux ratio of the two components and the evolution law of radio luminosity .

  13. 黄晓明非常想要一个孩子,他已经37岁了,可是杨颖却只有26岁,在很多场合黄晓明都表达了这个想法,黄晓明之前还许愿,希望自己可以在40岁之前得子。

    While Angelababy is only be 26 years old , 37-year-old Xiaoming is anxious to have a baby very soon . Expressing his love for children on numerous occasions , Xiaoming previously revealed that he wished to have his first child before he turns 40 years old .

  14. 英国上一届在在任期间得子的首相是前工党领袖托尼•布莱尔,2000年5月,他的夫人切丽生下两人的第四个孩子里奥。这是150年来首个在唐宁街首相府出生的孩子。

    The last British prime minister to have a baby in office was former Labor leader Tony Blair , whose wife Cherie gave birth to their fourth child , Leo , in May 2000 . Leo Blair was the first child born to a serving British prime minister for 150 years .

  15. 同时,应用物质平衡模型,计算得土壤子系统Pb的环境容量较大,因此整个模拟系统对Pb污染的承受力较大。

    As the environmental capacity of lead in soil subsystem is calculated by using the equilibrium model of matter , it shows that the simulated wetland system has a high capacity for bearing the heavy metal pollution of lead .

  16. “把狗赶走,小孩会得蚤子”

    " Put that dog out ! He 'll get fleas all over the baby . "

  17. 吃完了晚饭,他给他讲了一套关于戒酒的大道理,讲得老头子直抹眼泪。

    After supper he talked to him about temperance and such things till the old man cried .

  18. 在新年销售高潮时间,服装店的女孩子们整天累得脚丫子朝天。

    During the New Year sales rush , the girls in the clothing Departments are run off their feet all day .

  19. 三圣母借用“宝莲灯”的神力,击败二郎神,与刘彦昌结为夫妻生得一子&沉香。

    With the help of the magic lotus lantern , San Sheng Mu defeated her brother and married Liu Yanchang . Later she gave birth to a baby son called Chen Xiang .

  20. 他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?

    Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life ?

  21. 应用能量测不准量公式到介观系统,可得线性谐振子的能级宽度。

    Applying the formula into mesoscopic system , we get the energy level of linear oscillator .

  22. 采用两次正交试验以车前子总多糖量为指标得出车前子多糖成分的最佳提取工艺。

    Conditions for the extraction were studied by two orthogonal experiments design as guided by the content of total polysaccharide in the extraction .

  23. 陈老莲是明末清初著名的艺术家,同时也是一位见解卓异,志行贞刚得移民士子。

    Old Chen Ming and Qing Lin is famous artists , but also an opinion Sublime , Zhi-Xing Chen Gang were immigrants Scholars .

  24. 电磁孤立子的形成对于激光在等离子体中的传输具有很大的影响,这要求人们能从实验中深入得研究孤立子的性质。

    However , the formation of soliton may effects on the propagation of laser in the plasma seriously , it requires people to investigate the characters of soliton from the experiment .

  25. 但是在2030年或者2040年为止,这些资金流都得由我们的子辈来创造。

    But by 2030 or 2040 , those cashflows will be generated by our children .

  26. 老年人要工作得和年轻伙子一样久是困难的。

    It is hard for an old man to work as long as a youngster .

  27. 杭州胡斌案、成都孙伟铭案和近来闹得沸沸扬扬的李刚之子案,再次把人们的视线引向了附带民事诉讼中的民事赔偿。

    The " Hang Zhou Hubin Case "," Chengdu Sun Weiming Case " and the recent notorious " Son of Li Gang Case " drew again our attestation to the compensation in accessory civil actions .

  28. 现在就得同她分庭抗礼我还得下嫁其子

    Now she must share power with the mother and I must marry the son .