首页 / 词典 / good


dé yì
  • proud;complacent;glory;revel in;exultation;proud of oneself;pleased with oneself
得意 [dé yì]
  • [proud of oneself;complacent;revel in] 满意,感到满足时的高兴心情

  • 得意的男孩

  • 十二分得意

得意[dé yì]
  1. 这使你进展缓慢,得意不起来。

    It keeps you ticking over , stops you being complacent .

  2. 尽管有了长足的进步,我们也不可能有得意的资本。

    Despite good progress we can 't afford to be complacent .

  3. 现在他很得意自己在威尔士有一座小别墅。

    He 's now the proud owner of a cottage in Wales .

  4. 她的脸上掠过一丝得意的冷笑。

    A faint sneer of satisfaction crossed her face .

  5. 她对自己不同寻常的生活安排方式感到很得意。

    She 's happy with her unusual living arrangements .

  6. 她总是对自己的外貌感到得意。

    She had always prided herself on her appearance .

  7. 她得意地展示所获的奖品。

    She proudly displayed her prize .

  8. 两个男人一面看着我,一面用胳膊肘顶顶对方,笑容里夹杂着一丝得意。

    Two men looked at me , nudged each other and smirked

  9. 史密斯对能够把自己的生活安排得井井有条感到很得意。

    Smith prides himself on being able to organise his own life

  10. 她大概会为穿上校服而感到非常得意。

    She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform .

  11. 托马斯和夫人得意地互相望了一眼。

    Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction .

  12. 她得意地笑着把雪茄给贾森递了回去。

    She handed the cigar back to Jason with a self-satisfied smile .

  13. 他为自己记住了她的名字得意起来。

    He was pleased with himself for having remembered her name

  14. 演员帕特里克·斯图尔特早就秃头了,为此他还很得意。

    The actor Patrick Stewart is a long-time baldy and proud of it

  15. 他很得意自己“芳心猎手”这一名声。

    He is proud of his reputation as a seducer of young women .

  16. 谈到烹饪,法国人会颇为得意并且极端排斥外国菜。

    The French are proud and highly xenophobic when it comes to cooking .

  17. 法庭的判决让反堕胎主义者非常得意。

    Anti-abortionists are gloating over the court 's decision

  18. 上校的声音听上去万分得意。

    The captain 's voice was triumphant

  19. 情场失意,赌场得意。

    Unlucky in love , lucky at play .

  20. 她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。

    She was pleased by the flattery .

  21. 他为自己轻易取胜而暗自得意。

    He hugged himself over the easy way he had won .

  22. 现在得意地把它叼在他嘴边。

    It was now jauntily in a corner of his mouth .

  23. 简森新买的玩具火车是他得意的东西。

    Jason 's new toy train is his pride and joy .

  24. 狗有走运日,人有得意时。

    Every dog has its day , and every man his hour .

  25. 上帝,我居然也有得意的时候。

    God , I have my moments .

  26. 经过5次尝试后,卡罗终于通过了驾驶执照考试&凡人毕竟皆有得意日。

    After five attempts Carol finally passed her driving test-after all , every dog has its day .

  27. 人们常说,凡人皆有得意日。

    Very often , people say every dog has its day .

  28. everydoghashisday凡人皆有得意日▷不要灰心,凡人皆有得意日。

    Don 't lose your hope , every dog has his day .

  29. Instagram(图片分享网站)几乎被灰发造型淹没了——有职业模特的美艳大片,也有广大Instagram网友上传的得意自拍。

    Instagram is awash with the grey haired images - from beauty shots featuring professional models to selfies uploaded by proud grey haired Instagrammers .

  30. 就是在个这样的杂院里,她觉得很得意。

    She felt very smug in a tenement yard like this .