
dé míng
  • get a name;be named
得名 [dé míng]
  • (1) [nominate,name]∶获得称号或名号

  • 赵云因常打胜仗而得名常胜将军

  • (2) [well-known]∶出名;著名

  • 以擅长油画而得名

  1. 这条道路得名于这些树木,它们沿两边的路缘间隔均匀地排列着。

    The trees which gave the road its name stood at regular intervals along the kerb

  2. 印象派得名于克劳德·莫内早期的一幅名为《印象·日出》的画作。

    Impressionism received its name from an early painting by Claude Monet titled impression , Sunrise .

  3. 它因靠近伦敦塔而得名。

    It is close to the Tower of London , from which it got its name .

  4. 丝绸之路之所以得名,是因为它曾被用于运输丝绸。

    The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road .

  5. 唐装之所以得名,是因为中国在汉唐时期为其他国家所熟知。

    The Tang Costume got its name because China became known to other countries during the Han and Tang dynasties .

  6. 烧烤的时候要是谈论到这样的话题,人们一般都会停下手中的烧烤热烈讨论起来,烧烤活动自然就会暂时停下来,由此得名“barbequestopper”。

    Such topic is likely to interrupt a barbeque with loud debate or discussion , thus called “ barbeque stopper ” .

  7. Muffin-top指腰间被裤子或裙子腰线勒出来下垂的赘肉,看上去像玛芬蛋糕顶部溢出纸托的样子,由此得名。

    A muffin-top is the phenomenon of overhanging fat when it spills over the waistline of pants or skirts in a manner that resembles the top of a muffin spilling over its paper casing .

  8. 拥有沙漏身材的女性有着丰满的胸部和圆润的臀部,与纤细的腰部形成鲜明的对比,这种身材的轮廓因为酷似古时的沙漏而得名。

    Women with this type of figure have wide hips that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass .

  9. 见到这些集装箱后,加尔文马上想起了“绿色建筑预制块”(greenbuildingblock)这个名称,他的公司正是得名于此。

    He immediately saw these containers as what he calls a " green building block " & hence the name .

  10. 古时候,专门用这一天来祭奉太阳,因此得名“Sun-day”。

    In ancient times it was dedicated to the worship of the sun , hence its name " Sunday " .

  11. 潮流先锋和时尚狂热分子可以在东部方向找到“字母城”(得名于以A、B、C和D来命名的街道)。

    Trendsetters and fashion fanatics can find their way east toward the Alphabet City ( named for avenues A , B , C , and D ) .

  12. 墙上挂满了歌剧演唱者的照片,其中很多是和咖啡馆因之得名的彼得(peter)拍的。

    The walls are covered with photographs of opera singers , many of them snapped with the eponymous Peter .

  13. 它的名字叫“ForceTrainer”,得名于广受欢迎的星球大战电影里和尤达和卢克·天行者的“TheForce”力量。

    Called " Force Trainer " it is named after " The Force " powers of Yoda and Luke Skywalker in the popular Star Wars films .

  14. 一年中第七个月,JULY(七月),得名于以朱利斯·凯撒(JULIUSCAESAR)。

    The seventh month of the year , July , was named after Julius Caesar .

  15. 这个发行版本也是一个定制过的Knoppix版本,它重点关注信息安全工具,因此就得名STD(SecurityToolsDistribution)。

    This distribution is again a customized version of Knoppix with an emphasis on information security tools , therefore STD ( Security Tools Distribution ) .

  16. 在LocalTransaction模型中,事务由底层数据库资源管理程序(而非应用程序所在的容器或框架)管理,这便是它得名的原因。

    The Local Transaction model gets its name from the fact that transactions are managed by the underlying database resource manager , not the container or framework your application is running in .

  17. 甚至在此设备得名之前,众多媒体主管就知道自己对ipad的期待是什么。

    Even before the device had a name , media executives knew what they wanted from the iPad .

  18. 上周五,球星小贝在Facebook上发布消息,称女儿得名于《杀死一只知更鸟》的作者哈珀•李。

    On Friday , the footballer posted on Facebook that the baby had been named after To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee .

  19. 该快照最常用的部分是JVM中当前活动线程的列表,线程转储也因此得名。

    The most often used part of that snapshot is the list of currently active threads in the JVM , hence its name .

  20. 我来给你解释一下Hawthorne效应是如何得名的以及……听完以后你就懂了。

    Let me explain how the Hawthorne effect got its name and ... well ... you 'll get the idea .

  21. 丛枝菌根(arbuscularmycorrhiza,简写为AM)是因为菌根真菌在与植物根系共生过程中在根细胞内形成一种花椰菜形状的结构即丛枝而得名。

    Arbuscular Mycorrhiza ( AM ) is famous for the cauliflower shape structure named " arbuscule " in the cortex cells of roots .

  22. 中国的实体(即令这种结构得名的VIE)持有在中国开展业务所需的敏感许可证和相关执照。

    The Chinese entity the VIE that gives the structure its name holds the sensitive permits and licenses required to do business in China .

  23. 直升机式(Helicopterparenting):因某些家长像直升机一样时刻盘旋在孩子身边而得名。与“放养式”父母完全不同,他们的一大特点就是密切介入子女的兴趣爱好。

    Helicopter parenting : named for the constantly hovering quality of certain mums and dads , the opposite of slow parenting is characterised by close involvement in a child 's interests and hobbies .

  24. 当将JSSE用于SSL通信时,需要在本地存储中维护一套信任的签名者的证书,由此得名信任库。

    When using JSSE for SSL communication , one needs to maintain the set of trusted signer certificates in a local store , hence the name truststore .

  25. 就连高盛(GoldmanSachs)的排名都相对靠前,这表明,得名于2009年一篇美国杂志文章的(华尔街)吸血乌贼的标签,不是终身制的。

    Even Goldman Sachs enjoys a relatively high position , which suggests that the vampire squids [ of Wall Street ] label , from a 2009 US magazine article , are not forever .

  26. 他们对巴西亚马孙丛林的这一宏伟蓝图被称为“魔鬼铁路”(Devil’sRailway),得名于因此消逝的成千上万条生命。它的遗迹说明了过于依赖大宗商品出口的危险性。

    The ruins of their grand designs for the Brazilian Amazon , called the Devil 's Railway because of the thousands of workers who died building it , are a testament to the dangers of relying too heavily on commodity exports .

  27. 该家族首个成员在酿酒酵母中分离出来,因其能够抑制细胞色素bmRNA翻译的缺陷以及维持线粒体呼吸链bcl复合体的活性而得名。

    The prototype of this family was isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and was named due to its role in the suppression of a defect in cytochrome b mRNA translation and maintainance of the activity of bcl complex in the mitochondrial respiratory chain .

  28. 大力水手俱乐部(PopeyeClub,得名的原因是由于许多会员来自美国海军)的会员将日美军事联盟视为华盛顿亚洲政策的基石。

    Members of the Popeye Club , so called because many of them hail from the US navy , view the military alliance with Japan as the cornerstone of Washington 's Asia policy .

  29. 酷越车,或称CUV的得名原因是它们是基于轿车平台打造的,而不像SUV那样是基于卡车平台打造的。

    Crossovers or cuvs got their names because they are built on car architectures , as opposed to SUVs , which were based on trucks .

  30. 例如,在MacOSX中,wall工具(“writeall”的缩写,因其会将某个消息写入所有物理或虚拟终端设备而得名)的setgid被设为tty(如上所示)。

    For instance , on Mac OS X , the wall utility short for " write all ," because it writes a message to every physical or virtual terminal device is setgid tty ( as shown above ) .