
ɡuàn zhì
  • record;casting;cut;make a recording
灌制 [guàn zhì]
  • [record] 录音制造 [唱片、录音带等]

  • 灌制成唱片

  1. 他们灌制的每张激光唱片我几乎都有。

    I 've got practically every CD they 've made .

  2. 为了灌制这张唱片你们大家似乎都经历了重重波折。

    All of you seem to have gone through hell making this record

  3. 他们灌制第一张唱片时,感到确实成功了。

    They felt they had really arrived when they made their first record .

  4. 最近,该乐团与林恩唱片公司合作把亚历山大?纳扎勒夫指挥的肖斯塔科维奇的第十一交响乐灌制成了该乐团的第一张CD,同样受到了批评界的一致好评。

    Most recently , the first CD in a new partnership with Linn Records with Alexander Lazarev conducting Shostakovich 's Symphony No11 has been released to great critical acclaim .

  5. 方法选择不同牙列期的患者20例,常规取印模并灌制成两副牙颌模型,组成为两个配对的样本;

    Methods Twenty patients with different dentitions were included in the study .

  6. 我和奥利弗合作灌制了下一张唱片。

    I teamed up with Oliver on my next record .

  7. 他在第一张唱片问世50年之后,灌制了最后一集唱片。

    Fifty years after his first record , he cut a final album .

  8. 她现在已灌制了第二套唱片。

    She has now brought out a second album .

  9. 我在一家旧货铺里偶然发现了一张他早年灌制的唱片。

    I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a secondhand shop .

  10. 给我放些派特?赛门最近灌制的唱片。

    Play me pat simon 's latest disc .

  11. 很多有才气的人会在演奏的同时把自己灌制/制的唱片拿出来卖。

    Many people will sell their own CDs as the same time they play .

  12. 血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,通常都是传统的英格兰早餐会吃到。

    Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig 's or cow 's blood .

  13. 适用于公路维修时清理伸缩缝中的砂石、沥青等,方面重新灌制沥青。

    Specialized for clear up grit anf asphalt in the slot when highway maintained for refilling asphalt .

  14. 后来,他于1982年灌制了风靡一时的专辑《战栗》,并保持有史以来排行第二的畅销专辑。

    He later recorded the 1982 mega hit Thriller , still the second best-selling album of all time .

  15. Barbra13岁的时候,灌制了两首歌曲,她曾在一家中国餐馆当过收银员,也在广告代理公司当过接待员。

    She once worked as a cashier in a Chinese restaurant and as a receptionist in an ad agency .

  16. 当他1925年开始用自己的名字灌制唱片的时候,他已经是一个明星了。

    By the time he began making records under his own name , in 1925 , Armstrong was a star .

  17. 最近几年,皇家苏格兰国家交响乐团灌制的唱片也以其出色的质量赢得了世界声誉。

    In the past few years , the RSNO has achieved a world-wide reputation for the quality of its recordings .

  18. 基于上述分析,编制了相应的数据库动态建立及数据批量灌制所需要的函数。

    Based on the former analysis , the relative functions are described that are necessary for dynamic database creation and batch data input .

  19. 她在录音室灌制新唱片三个月之后,今晚重返舞台在此作现场表演。

    After three mouths in the studio working on her latest album , she returns to live performance with her show here tonight .

  20. 尽管如此,还有好消息,他们最近和玛丽亚·凯丽一起灌制唱片,并将开始第二张专辑的录制。

    More good news , though , is they have recently recorded with Mariah Carey and are due to begin work on their second album .

  21. 关系型地质数据库动态建立及批量数据灌制《生物学教学论》网络课程的动态开发与有效教学

    The dynamic creation and numerous data perfusion of the relational geological database Dynamic Creation and Effectually Instruction in the Web-based Course of Biology Curriculum Instruction

  22. 重新灌制,尤其是灌制(一张旧唱片)的新母版,以提高音质。

    To master again , especially to produce a new master recording of ( an old recording ) in order to improve the sound quality .

  23. 披头士乐队则于上周三大张旗鼓地发布了最新灌制的唱片兼盒装全集,但最终还是不敌林恩。

    Lynn trumped The Beatles '12 remastered editions , plus its box sets , released to great fanfare on Wednesday , and four of which are in the top10 .

  24. 然而,由于液晶电视中需要灌液晶,随着尺寸的增大,灌制的难度和成本会大幅提高,如常亮点。

    However , because LCD TV needs pouring liquid crystal , according to large size , something difficult for pouring and costs will increase significantly , such as shining points .

  25. 医师还对具有特殊质量要求的印模和模型及时进行检查和确认,协助护士不断提升采取印模和灌制模型的操作水平。

    Also , the doctors should check the dental impressions and models in time , especially for those models with special demands , and help the nurses to improve their skills constantly .

  26. 本月初,他在提交给伦敦高级法院的一份书面申明中说:“目前我们正在重新灌制乐队的所有专辑,目的是要让这些歌曲听起来更清晰,效果更好”。

    " We 're remastering the whole Beatles catalog , just to make it sound brighter and better ," he said in a written statement submitted to the High Court in London earlier this month .

  27. 我更想,你知道,想要做些真正严肃的事,像拍几部好电影,灌制几张好唱片,说不定往后还是会尝试当导演。

    And so I 'm more into , like you know , I like to do some really serious thing , like you know , good movies , good recordings , and then maybe some days later I want to be a director .