
  • 【医】fetish
  1. 前言:目的:探讨恋物癖儿童脑电地形图(BEAM)、智力和个性的特点。

    Objective : To explore the characteristics of brain electrical activity mapping ( BEAM ), intelligence and personality in children with fetishism .

  2. 方法:对53例恋物癖儿童测查BEAM、韦氏儿童智力量表修订本(WISC-R)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),并与20名正常儿童对照。

    Method : A total of53 children with fetishism were tested with BEAM , Wechsler intelligence scale for children ( WISC-R ), Eysenck personality questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  3. 现在,如果你想看到19岁的俄罗斯男生打扮成运动哥特风(想象一下恋物癖朋克与精品健身房SoulCycle的结合体)的日本女生,DenisSimachev大概就是你的最佳选择。

    Now , if you want to see 19-year-old Russian boys dressed up like health-goth ( think fetish punk meets Soul Cycle ) Japanese girls , Denis Simachev is probably your best bet .

  4. 夏绿蒂对香薰罐有恋物癖。

    Charlotte has a thing for Crabtree and Evelyn potpourri .

  5. 偷女人内裤是一种公认的轻度恋物癖。

    Stealing knickers is a well recognized minor fetish .

  6. 他们只是在享受恋物癖的乐趣。

    They 're just having fun with fetishes .

  7. 斯考蒂这个角色不仅反映了希区柯克的恋物癖,还反映了他的恐惧。

    Scottie as a character reflected not only Hitchcock 's fetishes but his fears .

  8. 议程将涉及贞洁、同性恋和恋物癖等问题。

    Among the issues that the programme will deal with are fidelity , homosexuality and fetishism .

  9. 学生们花了好一阵子才明白,皇帝其实不是古怪的蔬菜恋物狂。

    It took the students awhile to realize that this was not some bizarre vegetable fetish .

  10. 例如,人类的恋物情结发展于早期,而且几乎是不可改变。

    Human fetishes , for example , develop early , and are almost impossible to change .

  11. 比如行为主义者对恋物癖的一种解释就是,恋物癖是简单的经典条件作用的结果。

    So a behaviorist story about fetishes , for instance , is it 's straightforward classical conditioning .

  12. 她通过对角色病态的恋物癖症状的描摹,揭示现代社会人们情感的孤独与失落;

    She announces the loneliness of people 's emotion in the modern society by depicting of the symptom of fetishism .

  13. 然而,许多精神病专家仍然认为变装是病态,还是常常对变装者心存偏见,认为他们有一种变态的恋物癖。

    Many psychiatrists , however , still consider cross-dressing to be pathological , and cross-dressers frequently continue to be stereotyped as having a perverse fetish .

  14. 并报告了异食头发形成胃内毛发结石、幼儿强迫症、恋物癖等典型病例。

    It also reports the typical cases of hair pica resulting in hair stone in stomach , besides the cases of obsessive compulsive necrosis and fetishism .

  15. 3、嫁给柏林墙Eija-RiittaBerliner-Mauer,今年54岁,她的姓在德语里就是柏林墙的意思。1979年她被诊断出患有“恋物癖”,然后嫁给了柏林墙。

    Eija-Riitta Berliner-Mauer , 54 , whose surname means Berlin Wall in German , wed the concrete structure in 1979 after being diagnosed with a condition called Objectum-Sexuality .

  16. 人们可能会认为你有可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖,要么或者他们会认为你正在计划一个令人敬畏的恶作剧。

    People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish . Either that or they 'll think you are planning a really awesome prank .

  17. 据华尔街日报报道,现在有一批志趣相投的爱狗人士,他们在尽一切努力,让脱落狗毛编织成的衣服能从恋物怪癖变成为一股时尚潮流。

    According to the Wall Street Journal , a band of like-minded enthusiasts are doing everything they can to turn garments knitted of canine sheddings from a pet-owner 's fetish into a fashion trend .

  18. 各种为特定恋物情结所设计的性玩具和产品每天都会送到她家门阶上,接着,她会测试它们并让公司知道这些产品起到什么样的效果。

    A variety of sex toys and products designed for specific fetish niches show up on her doorstep daily , and then she tests them out , and lets the company know how effective these products are .

  19. 目的:通过对1例恋物症患者认识领悟治疗的个案,观察和分析形成恋物症的原因,探讨认识领悟疗法对恋物症的治疗作用。

    AIM : Based on the case report of 1 patient with fetishism treated with cognitive and insight therapy , to observe and analyze the causes for fetishism and investigate the effect of cognitive and insight therapy on treatment of fetishism .