
  • 网络Love Season;season of love;SALAD DAYS;Kiss Me Goodbye
  1. 错过了恋爱的季节

    I Missed the Season of Love

  2. 这是恋爱的季节,我们相信我们可以独自去爱,以这样的方式去爱,我们相信前无古人,后无来者。

    That is the true season of love , when we believe that we alone can love , that no one could ever have loved so before us , and that no one will love in the same way after us .

  3. 第二部分主要以《恋爱的季节》为例,从故事讲述的时代与讲述故事的时代的对比参照中,揭示作家历史记忆的沧桑巨变,即从激情想象向创伤记忆的转折;

    The second part mainly take " Love Season " as an example , from " story narration time " and " narration story time " in the contrast reference , promulgates the writer " the historical memory " change , namely from fervor imagination to wound memory transformation ;

  4. 在歌中,在这悠闲的几个月里,人们往往去海滩或在乡间远足,本应是一年中谈恋爱的最佳季节。

    In song , the lazy months of beach trips and top-down country jaunts are supposed to be a golden time of the year for romance .