
  • 网络Waterornamentalplants;water plant;aquatic flower
  1. 水生花卉是居住区绿化中重要的造景材料之一。

    Aquatic flowers are one kind of landscaping materials in the greening of residential area .

  2. 长白山野生水生花卉资源

    The wild Aquatic flower resource in Changbai Mountains

  3. 莲是一种原产于我国的古老的宿根水生花卉,为多年生挺水草本植物。

    Lotus ( Nelumbo nucifera ) is a very old water flower plant originated from China .

  4. 酷帅又活力十足的香气,前味是水生花卉植物,渐而融合著水果、本与木本的香气。

    Cool and spirited , this fragrance possesses blooming floral notes , which blossom into a harmonious blend of aquatic scent , fruits , herbs , and woods .

  5. 通过观察和试验掌握野生水生花卉的越冬技术和繁殖方法,为其在北方园林中的推广栽培应用提供试验和理论依据。

    Observation and experiments were made to obtain their propagation methods and techniques for living through the winter of wild watery flower . The experimentation and theory was provided on popularization and breed of northern gardens .

  6. 同时,还简述了主要水生花卉民间利用方式,指出了由于围沼造田、水产养殖和森林减少使资源正受到威胁,建议加强驯化研究和保护。

    The thesis points out that since the resources are being threatened by besieging marsh to make rice fields , aquatic product cultivating and forest degeneration , the study on their acclimatization and conservation should be carried out as soon as possible .